The Hand. You Forgot the Damn Hand.

August 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Years ago, we had a Republican congressional candidate in my neighborhood who was running for Tom DeLay’s seat when Ole Tom Retreated and Surrendered his seat in congress.  The guy hired some fancy pants political consultants who were determined to re-make him into something respectable.

art_candidate_apHis name was Dean Hrbacek and, bless his heart, he looked exactly like a penguin when he was walking toward you.  I know many a folk who hurt themselves trying to keep a straight face.  The consultant did a mailer and it was quickly discovered that Dean’s head was placed on another man’s body.

The story got even funnier when a little closet research determined that the body was of his main opponent.  Needless to say, it made statewide news and he even got a Texas Monthly Bum Steer award.

Well, the lesson wasn’t learned well.  I do not know if these are the same consultants, but …

Screen Shot 2015-08-23 at 10.22.44 AM


Check the left hand.

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Goodness sake, I think they should change the Jeb! logo to Jeb?

Hey Jeb!, a black man is trying to get into your pocket.

Screen Shot 2015-08-23 at 10.28.47 AMAnd I’m not even mentioning the creepy head shot.  He looks like he’s fixing to meet Hansel and Gretel at Grandma’s house.

If heads roll over this, one of them needs to be Jeb!’s.




Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “The Hand. You Forgot the Damn Hand.”

  1. Jeb?

  2. fran seyer says:

    heh heh

  3. That is HILARIOUS!

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I think Jeb! should hire a 3rd grader to run his photo shop department. W! isn’t doing such a good job despite his finger painting skilz.

  5. two crows says:

    Oh my, oh my, oh my. Jeb hasn’t yet learned the value of hiring someone who has some modicum of computer skills? Well, that’s no surprise I suppose. He also hasn’t learned the value of keeping his dam mouth shut. More fun for the comedians, yes. Not so much for the rest of us.

    And as to that Hrbacek, I followed one of JJ’s links. Then a link from there. And a link from there. [OK, I’m a glutton for punishment. I keep punching links about Republican politicians. What am I thinking?]
    Anyway, I found a piece I wanted to lift completely and repost here but thought the folks at the site might not appreciate.
    So do yourself a favor. Take a peek at someone else’s take on the Hrbacek mess. It is hilarious!

  6. And he wants to occupy the position of leader of the free world? Attention to detail is a must have and Jeboob ain’t got it.

  7. I’m not sure he wants more people asking the question “Why JEB?”

  8. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Again, everyone here with their negative snarky conclusions. I believe this is a very subtle reaching out from JEB! for the black vote. Sheesh you guys!

  9. Nica Brian says:

    Even funnier when you zoom in on the fingers on his right hand. He really needs steel teeth for the full effect.

  10. Well, now he looks like the pin head he really is.

  11. The left hand looks like a child’s hand, much too small. And the right hand is really weird, with shadows that shouldn’t be there.
    I’ve heard things about Trump being a Democrat plant. Could this be sabotage from within Jeb!’s camp?

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Jeb’s overture to bi-racial ‘murricans.

  13. Just another sign that he really, really should slide gracefully from the primary, but, hey, that’s just me!

  14. Dan Up North says:

    Is this brochure pro-Bush or anti-Bush? I can’t read the fine print, but it looks like something one of the 16 opponents might have put out.

  15. Lunargent says:

    Damnation, JJ,

    I hit that link in your posting, and it dumped me into a loop of porno sites!

    Gotta try and clean up my iPad browser history now – Ick!

  16. Juanita Jean says:

    Sorry! I’ll get rid of it. It didn’t do that to me.

  17. Marge Wood says:


  18. Perhaps Mark Schlemmer is correct — is Jeb trying to send a subliminal message that he’s part black?

    Or should he — perhaps — hire a true professional to alter all his photographs? Sometimes you really do get what you pay for.

  19. Nica Brian says:

    “_is Jeb trying to send a subliminal message that he’s part black?”

    Well, it seemed to work for Obama.

  20. Actually, this is Jeb making a subtle appeal for the KKK vote as a “victim” of the 47% who take, take, take and ‘didn’t build that’.


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