The Hand. You Forgot the Damn Hand.
Years ago, we had a Republican congressional candidate in my neighborhood who was running for Tom DeLay’s seat when Ole Tom Retreated and Surrendered his seat in congress. The guy hired some fancy pants political consultants who were determined to re-make him into something respectable.
His name was Dean Hrbacek and, bless his heart, he looked exactly like a penguin when he was walking toward you. I know many a folk who hurt themselves trying to keep a straight face. The consultant did a mailer and it was quickly discovered that Dean’s head was placed on another man’s body.
The story got even funnier when a little closet research determined that the body was of his main opponent. Needless to say, it made statewide news and he even got a Texas Monthly Bum Steer award.
Well, the lesson wasn’t learned well. I do not know if these are the same consultants, but …
Check the left hand.
Goodness sake, I think they should change the Jeb! logo to Jeb?
Hey Jeb!, a black man is trying to get into your pocket.
And I’m not even mentioning the creepy head shot. He looks like he’s fixing to meet Hansel and Gretel at Grandma’s house.
If heads roll over this, one of them needs to be Jeb!’s.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.