Thank You, Missouri.

August 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have two close friends in Missouri.  Deb and Craig keep me updated on Missouri politics and they keep insisting that Texas is way ahead of Missouri when it comes to good sense.  They might be right.

Men in the Missouri House have a problem.

House Speaker John Diehl was forced to resign following revelations by The Star that he exchanged sexually suggestive texts with a 19-year-old House intern. Two months later, Sen. Paul LeVota, an Independence Democrat, announced his resignation after two interns accused him of sexual harassment.

Republican Bill Kidd came up with a solution to this problem.  A dress code.  The female interns need a damn dress code.

He was seconded by Republican Rep. Nick King of Liberty.

“We need a good, modest, conservative dress code for both the males and females,” King wrote in an email to colleagues. “Removing one more distraction will help everyone keep their focus on legislative matters.”

T-shirt maker Raygun had its own idea of what Jefferson City interns might want to wear on the job.




Thanks to Deb, Craig, and everybody else for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Thank You, Missouri.”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    One wonders what the Republican legislators would have said had Bill Clinton suggested that his problems with Monica Lewinsky would not have occurred if the White House had a dress code for female interns.

  2. Old Mayfly says:

    That logo needs to be on the back of the shirt as well as on the front.

    Republican Bill Kidd, forget the dress code. What you need is a conduct code for the legislators–and it should include real penalties.

  3. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Missouri. Dear God, the religious perverts are breeding and the stupid is spreading.

    New Rule: All Republicons must now be required to take courses in self control, women’s reproductive healthcare, and pass an MMPI before taking their oath of office.

    I had no idea how many pervs were in the world until I started reading about religionists and politicians.

    Good Grief.

  4. Now that’s the clearest example of blaming the victim that I have heard in a long while. Sexual harassment is alive and well and living in the Missouri House. Extermination may be the only way to eradicate it.

  5. Instead of modest dress for interns, sounds like we need to weld the male legislators’ zippers shut. Or chastity belts, and only their wives, if any, have the keys.

    RepubAnon, second your comment. Especially since, as I heard it, things got started when Lewinsky decided to show off her thong underwear.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    All these years later has that blue dress Clinton had sex with filed a single complaint against Slick Willie?

    Still got relatives in Missouri. Dad was born there. Folks got married in Palmyra.

  7. I’m a Missourian. Our legislators spend more time attempting to legislate stupid crap and appease a millionaire named Rex S. than they do working on serious stuff that real working people care about. Most of our male legislators need to grow up and quit being mysogynist a**holes and do a decent job for a change. These people make me so tired….

  8. To add insult to injury, Bill E. Kidd (yep he keeps the E. In there on all of what passes for his literature), is our State Rep. Our former Representative (a democrat, former teacher and union leader), lives just across the street from the new gerrymandered boundary drawn by the Republican led state legislature. So now we have this self agrandizing, misogynistic, hypocritical Tea Party bully representing Harry Truman’s district. I hang my head in shame and hope a Democrats can field a candidate that can oust this embarrassing excuse for an elected official.

  9. Why can no one understand that sexual harrasment, rape, and any sex crime is not about sex? It’s power and control, period.
    This is a bunch of creme de merde.

  10. Those legislative idiots are too irony-challenged to realize that their “solution” to sexual harassment is identical to the solution employed by hard-core Islamists: cover up the women so the men cannot be tempted into sin. Welcome to Ozarkistan.

  11. Dang! This is way too close in content etc. to the story of the girl who was sent home from high school for wearing a shirt that exposed . .. get this . . . her collar bone (GASP!). The school principal who administers the “code” has burkas on his mind. Not that they will protect anybody . . .

  12. I was going to suggest that the shirts be in 4XL so no hint of a womanly form would show, but as IronCelt reminds us, that’s too much like burkhas. So I think the shirts should actually be XS and placed over the state legislators’ heads without eye holes, so they can’t be distracted by females or open elevator shafts.

  13. There used to be a diversity of opinion within the Democratic party. I always suspected, and hoped, there was a diversity of opinion within the old Republican party. All I see from the Tea Party is a kind of demented lockstep of selfishness. They are about me-me-me. Wow!

  14. The endless stream of headlines prove modest dress has not protected the women or little girl victims of preachers and predators in their pews. Fundamentalists and the bible belt scandals prove that it doesn’t keep menfolk away from church members wives or daughters, out of their sisters’ bedrooms or faithful in values marriages either.

    It’s absurd to think modest dress will protect them from the male of the species when the news continuously has articles about 80 year old women – and older – getting raped. They weren’t dressed modest enough??? like the nun in her 70’s who was raped in a parking lot not long ago.

    When those articles hit the headlines, the ‘blame the victim’ goes deathly silent in comment sections of those articles.

    Maybe child protective services should wake up and interject in the homes that teach their sons (or daughters) that the person they are attracted is a horrible disgusting ‘other’ that has no value or right to exist.

    As the convicted admit themselves: It is those homes that create our species endless stream serial rapists and serial killers.

  15. All the interns (male and female) should wear burkhas while working, that should prevent temptation for these weak-minded men.

  16. Marge Wood says:


  17. e platypus onion says:

    Blamosexuals are at it again. Not my fault.

  18. Hollyanna says:

    “Blamosexuals”–perfect description. Thanks e platypus onion!

  19. Oh that’s good EPO. “Blamosexuals”. Can I use that? (It’s in my autocorrect now so the die is already cast.)

  20. Why is it that when men misbehave sexually the reaction of fundamentalists is to control the women? I mean, aren’t men by far the superior species in every way? Intellect, reasoning, will-power, character, etc.? So why can’t these fundamentalist supermen somehow figure out how to keep it in their pants?

  21. LynnN nailed it again. Gotta keep them womenfolk under control somehow.

    And speaking of t-shirts, if salon client Linda Phipps is out there somewhere, I really, really, REALLY want a shirt like the one she described in the article about Trump’s stupid hat — a GOP elephant with “This is why we can’t have nice things.” Please, please, let me know where I can buy that. And JJ, if you can contact Linda, I beg you to do so. Can’t really remember the last time I wanted an article of clothing quite this badly.

    I don’t mind buying it in size 4X to hide any womanly curves that might still be obvious to the casual observer.

  22. @Rubymay: if you can’t find that t-shirt pre-made you can create your own, you just need to upload the picture of a GOP elephant and add the words to a t-shirt that you choose. Here is the link to the women’s shirts but you can also get a men’s shirt if you want:

  23. Oooh thank you, glf!!!

  24. RepubAnon @1: One of my cousins was an intern during Monica’s “internship” and she told the family that they actually DID have to have a dress code: underwear required!

  25. Lunargent says:

    Adrienne –
    Wondering if that dress code also applied to the Congresscritters.
