The Former Guy Has A Written List

August 09, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s he deal: TFG has a written list of what the DOJ was looking for and what they took if they found it. He could release that list any time he wants to.

Instead, TFG goes on teevee and whines his butt off. If the DOJ was fishing, the list would show that. Personally, I think TFG won’t release it because he’s under an audit and you can’t release things while you’re under audit.  Or, maybe he’ll release it with his health care plan.


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0 Comments to “The Former Guy Has A Written List”

  1. G Foresight says:

    Maybe TFG will release the list along with his tax returns. 🙂

    Whatever is written in that search warrant, it seems very likely the FBI and DOJ were near certain they would find the items at the Orange Palace in Florida.

  2. From the way the RW Noise Machine is screaming, the FBI must have struck paydirt at Moron-A-Lago!

  3. RepubAnon says:

    I’m guessing documents useful for “negotiating” with the Saudis. Trump would have destroyed incriminating evidence.

  4. “I’ve got a list…” – Joe McCarthy
    “I’ve got a list…” – Donald Trump

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    This will speed up TFFG announcing he’s running in 2024. It’s going to be a firestorm. Sure hope the FBI found what they were looking for and more, otherwise this will just be a huge opportunity for repugnanticans to ask for donations and claim Biden is going after his political enemies.

  6. Minor typos. You dropped the “k” from “took” and the “y” from “they” in the second line.

  7. This Mar A Lago nonsense was the high point of my day! Yes, the Golden Gibbon recklessly and illegally took boxes full of stuff from the White House rather than follow the rules and even obey the law. After all, he is king, right? Well, along comes Merrick Garland who is at a point where he can get all his ducks in alphabetical order. Hysteria from pols like Kevin McCarthy? Sure! The stuff the GG took with him also shows just how guilty they are! The more they scream they more you know they are drowning in “flop sweat”, the kind of sweat actors and investors experience when a stage show flops and there is the possibility they will have to return money to the audience. This was not a No Knock deal. A judge was involved, a judge who insisted that a list of requirements be honored. Trump is just furious because he wasn’t on sight to publicly clutch his pearls and sink into his fainting couch. The FBI left the site with lots and lots of boxes. When the reason for the search is released in a press conference, and WHAT WAS DISCOVERED, the GG just might not want to run for prez again. It could interferre with his escape to somewhere that doesn’t have any legal ties with the US, some place where he can hide in public and live it up and never fear extradition. Which will leave the R’s with jaws flapping in the wind.

  8. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Hi Bill, just wanted to see if you were paying attention. 🙂

  9. Grandma Ada says:

    The Old Pretender signed a non-disclosure agreement with the FBI and can’t release the list!

  10. slipstream says:

    And today turns out to the second in a row not-so-very-good-day for Trump:

    Here’s hoping the string continues . . .

  11. maryelle says:

    Could there be a Deep Throat in the Mar a Lardo parking garage? I certainly hope so.

  12. maryelle says:

    The Watergate Deep Throat turned out to be Mark Felt, who was #2 at the FBI back then. Just for kicks, I looked up the Assistant Director of Criminal Investigations, Terry Wade.
    Ladies, look up his picture. He could give Robert Redford a run for his money!

    Just thinking back to All The President’s Men since Trump said the break-in at his house was like Watergate. Of course, Nixon didn’t bother with judges and warrants or any semblance of legality to do what he did.

  13. G Foresight says:

    What the news should report as the lead story:

    “WASHINGTON, August 9. Former president Donald Trump has so far refused to release the warrant served on him Monday, keeping voters in the dark, and creating an information vacuum that supporters have filled with threats and accusations.”
    — Jay Rosen

  14. G Foresight says:

    Notice the so-called conservative’s pattern in their response to this search (and most) events:

    1) “We are victims!” [wringing hands]
    2) “Thus, we deserve special treatment!”
    3) “Further, we have a right to commit violence and break rules if we don’t get special treatment!”

  15. Not worried about the Orange Putz skipping the country. The list of countries we don’t have extradition agreements with is quite unattractive for a snowflake like Donny. Saudi Arabia might take him, if he converted, but then he would end up like Idi Amin in his final days.

  16. The FBI should exhume Ivana’s casket and grave for documents. If tfg stuffed documents down a toilet, then he’d bury them, which would be much easier. I read somewhere that said she was cremated. Ivana was buried separate and alone on the tfg’s golf course. How is it that he made the decision to bury her there? Did her children have any say about his decision? Something smells funny….

  17. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Papa, TFFG gets significant tax benefits (seriously) for now being able to call his club a cemetery – a golf, cemetery and racket(eering) club.

  18. @Papa 16 – In these parts families don’t go the the expense of a casket if their loved one is cremated. I doubt it’s much different elsewhere in the country. That casket for Ivana seems suspect to me.

  19. Steve from Beaverton says:

    PA trumpf ally Scott Perry having his cellphone confiscated by the FBI will send shivers up the spineless spines of many repugnanticans that have something to hide from the insurrection. This could be only the start. Will probably be a lot of cell phones in the Potomac this week. The storm is building.

  20. RA @ 18,

    That what I thought, too. That casket might have docs. Or perhaps they’re under the casket. I would put it past tfg to do it.

  21. Morning J.J.
    Look at it this way.
    Rather than waiting for some deep state audit,
    he very well could release it with his health care plan.
    That way we’ve only got 2 weeks to wait.

  22. If Cry Baby is NOT in the spotlight, he has a `Uge tantrum .

  23. I woke up this morning to begging emails from Trump and Jordan for money because of the “raid”…. Gave me great pleasure to hit the spam button rather than what I wanted to do and say f…. you and the Russian tyrant you rode in on.

    I don’t know how I got on their mailing lists, but the right is creeping up on my inbox little by little.

  24. Harry Eagar says:

    I suggest he attach the warrant, the tax returns and the health plan to the kraken and release that.
