Getting Caught Up

August 09, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yeah, okay, it’s been a whirlwind here. So, here’s what I’ve decided to do. I know 90% of you are sick to death of Alex Jones but the other 10% can’t get enough.  I’m going to set up a page with all the Alex Jones information and update it daily if I can. I suspect the most interest will come from lawyers and I am certain I will make mistakes in my re-telling. Here is the start of that page.

So, now I can get back to regular story typing.

But … I need you to know that my time will be limited for a few weeks. I am keeping my grandson next week so his parents can go have some fun. He’s coming to Camp Gigi’s so we can have more fun. Plus I have a couple of deadlines for paying jobs coming up. You know I love ya to death and you are important to me. I’m trying to talk two friends of mine into joining the beauty salon. They used to live in Texas but they’ve moved west. I’ll let you know how that goes.

I am trembling with excitement over the DOJ and hope to get some time this afternoon to write about it.



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0 Comments to “Getting Caught Up”

  1. Wow! You’d think from the reaction of McCarthy, et al., that somebody had stormed the Capitol, threatening to hang the Vice President and overthrow an election. Really???

  2. Well, insofar as the “Alex Jones sent nude pictures of his wife to Roger Stone without her knowledge or consent,” Republicans do seem to be inclined towards doing that sort of thing, See: Greitens, Eric and the hairdresser in the basement.

    Turns out that my daddy was right, “you lie down with dogs you’re gonna get fleas!” Or in Alex Jones case, blood sucking ticks.

  3. The Surly Professor says:

    Oh, that nekkid pic thing I ignored … until reading his wife’s comments:

    ‘ “I am upset that he took privilege to send the image to someone without my knowledge. However, that’s really the least of my problems right now,” Wulff-Jones added.

    It is not clear what Wulff-Jones was referring to. ‘

    The reporter must be playing coy. That woman is married to Alex Jones, which in terms of problems ranks way above having Roger Stone drooling over her picture. Hell, it is worse than having leprosy and a really bad itch at the same time.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Thanks for the link to your Alex Jones page which I’ll be visiting. While we’re all tired of Alex Jones (and for a long time), there’s no tiring of hearing more about the mighty hammer of justice coming down on his fat steroid inflated head (it ain’t because of brains). And that hammer was being guided by someone very special to you and I’m sure all of us. That be one Mark Bankston than you very much.

  5. I look forward to Tucker taking a leave of absence to
    be closer to his family if we are ever allowed to read his texts
    with Alex Jones. After that—they all make me ill looking at them. Of course I don’t have to look at them to read.

  6. BarbinDC says:

    The silence in the Beauty Salon for the last couple of days made me wonder if all the Bankstons had headed to the beach for a well-earned rest. I’m glad to hear Camp Gigi is open for its summer session.

  7. I guess Reynal is wishing he hadn’t and won’t be giving anyone the finger again for awhile. I definitely have bookmarked the Alex Jones page.

  8. I just watched your amazing and wickedly hilarious son in that fabulous interview…”Yes, there are dick pics.” Hahahahahaha!

  9. The nude photo of Alex wife was to cover up the nude photos of Alex that he sent to Roger – they ARE Best Buddies .
