The Flashback

October 16, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Another tale from our guest, Nick Carraway —


Going back to Thursday night’s town hall I had the same flashback every classroom teacher was having when they watched the performance from 45. So, let me set the scene. It’s fourth grade and little Donnie needs to give his book report. He was supposed to read “Where the Red Fern Grows.” I’ll let Ms. Guthrie take it from here.

Ms. Guthrie: Okay Donald, it is time for your book report. I think you read “Where the Red Fern Grows”?

Donnie: That’s right and I’ll tell you about ferns. My mother grows the best ferns. The best ferns. Everyone in town says she grows the best ferns. She certainly grows better ferns than Ms. Biden and Ms. Clinton down the block….

Ms. Guthrie: That’s great Donald, but can you tell us about the book.

Donnie: It’s a great book, maybe the best book. At least that’s what people are saying. It’s a best seller. Daddy wrote a best seller that many people are still talking about. I still prefer See Spot Run, but this is a great, great book….

Ms. Guthrie: Um Donald, can you tell us a little about the story…

Donnie: Oh, I love this story. First you got the fern and what a great fern it was (looks at back of dust cover) and it has dogs they are great dogs. The book has a happy ending. I love happy endings. When daddy goes to the massage parlor he loves to get happy endings. He says I can’t go until I’m 13….

Ms. Guthrie: Thank you Donald, that will be all….


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0 Comments to “The Flashback”

  1. And then Ms. Guthrie gave him an A
    Like always.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    The only growth by the Toddler-in-Thief* can be measured by diaper size, newborn to senior grande. His age is such that an elementary faculty are not with us to report on Donnie*. But the college faculty has, Professor Kelley:

    Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.

    Some of us are partial to Rexxon Drillerson’s assessment of Donnie which won’t be quoted out of respect for Mama.

    H/T Nick!

    When daddy goes to the massage parlor he loves to get happy endings. He says I can’t go until I’m 13….

    That definitely sounds like a recorded Donnie quote.

  3. Nick Carroway says:

    Thought we all needed a laugh after yesterday’s discussion….

  4. Nick Carroway says:

    I thought we all needed a laugh after yesterday’s discussion.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    My grandson takes his virtual grade school from our home a few times per week. I could very much relate to Nick’s comparison of the town hall last night to my grandson’s reading class. He’s only in the 2nd grade and has more understanding and self awareness than the potus.
    After watching the nbc town hall low lights this morning, I was thinking about the audience of undecided voters with actual brains. What they saw on display was truly a toddler level exhibition of ignorance. How anyone in their right mind (outside the cult) could see fit to vote for Trumpf is mind boggling. I didn’t see the closing if Ms Guthrie gave him an “A”, but the fact Trumpf called her “cute” should certainly resonate with suburban women voters (really any voter) and not in a good way. It should make them gag like it did to me.

  6. Nick Carroway says:

    What’s remarkable is that seemingly intelligent conservative friends honestly thought Joe would duck him because he would get creamed in a debate. They really did believe this. One in particular was anti-Trump in 2015 and thought he sounded stupid back then but had convinced himself that he was now a good debater. I know most of these things are style points, but it’s kind of like a good wedding cake. Sure, some people like the frosting, but you have to have some cake in there. Personally, I guess I’ve always been about the cake and it’s similar with a good debate. I want to know that you know what you are talking about.

    Admittedly, I didn’t watch 45’s event last night, but I’ve seen some highlights.

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    Florida lady knew how to play Donnie*. She opened with flattery: ” “You’re so handsome when you smile.” That she didn’t throw up at least a little bit in her mouth speaks to the strength, wiles and guile of women. And why more women should be in Congress like Katie Porter and AOC – women are great at politics.

    She explained what she really meant:

    “I wish he would smile more and talk less,” she quipped.

    Asked to elaborate, Ms. Dale said the president “steps in it every time he opens his mouth.”

    The kicker: “She plans to vote for Biden during Florida’s early-voting period, which begins on Monday.”

    Keep talking, Donnie. Hearing more from you is a wonderful way to switch the more of the women’s vote to Biden/Harris. 17 days and counting, so yap away, moron.

    BTW Thank you, Florida lady. Sheds a new perspective on Didi Feinstein hugging Leningrad Lindsey. Did anyone observe whether or not she had a stiletto in her hand?

  8. Any of us whose children may have fibbed a time or two had the same feeling last night when little Donnie kept talking and talking and talking. Is he bigly in debt to some not sinister entity. What was his Covid testing cycle? Are his lungs failing?
    Just cut to the chase, big boy! For someone who has a phenomenal memory he was not impressive.
    Reminds me of the attorney I worked for “ I cannot remember”. IS an answer……

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I was just watching a panel on msnbc about Trumpfs messaging with <3 weeks remaining before the election. They were saying things like if he just came out with actions like really pushing a coronavirus help package, if he really came out with recommendations on fighting the pandemic, or like solid infrastructure plans, his polling would jump 5 points. Well, those are not things his cult base want to hear about. They want conspiracies about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, like QAnon, like supporting white suprematists and proud boys and other armed terrorists. That’s who he cares about, thus his town hall performance and messaging. That should tell undecided voters what he thinks about them. We can expect the same next week and the next week. And hopefully the polls will be accurate and a landslide.

  10. UmptyDump says:

    You left out the part where little Donnie claims that if he tickles a girl in the right place with a fern, she’ll follow him anywhere.
