Friday Toons

October 16, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized




















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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Brad in Dallas says:

    Once we put out the wildfire of Trump’s autocratic threat to American democracy, can we get back to the real problem, class warfare? The GOP wants us to have to spend the next two years getting back what was (or will soon be) stolen from us–the ACA, voting rights, a healthy economy, a healthy nation. They want to distract us from court packing, big money in politics, tax avoidance, media bias. A few more years for the poison they’re injecting slowly into the system to take hold.

  2. Some one needs to make a meme where the A in Amy is a coathanger.

  3. Lunargent says:


    They’re all great this week, but that first one was a real gut punch.
