The Fat Lady Is Clearing Her Throat

March 04, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, howdy doody.  I just got notification of breaking news from CNN —

The Judiciary Committee on Monday sent letters to 81 people and entities — including the White House, the Justice Department, senior campaign officials, Trump Organization officials and the President’s sons — marking the start of a broad investigation that will tackle questions that include possible obstruction of justice, hush-money payments to women, collusion with Russia and allegations of the President abusing his office and using it for personal gain.

Expect a Twitter explosion any minute now.



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0 Comments to “The Fat Lady Is Clearing Her Throat”

  1. megasoid says:

    You are cordially invited…

    Not only Twitter but law firm’s phones ringing frantically for tips on pleading the fifth, executive privilege piggybacking, medical excuses i.e. bone spurs, shoulder surgeries, etc. In other words, -A high tide lifting all dead fish onto the shores of comeuppance.

  2. Get the popcorn ready. This is going to get interesting…

  3. I’d also be curious as to how many Republican Congress critters will be resigning to ‘spend more time with their families’.

  4. I’m surprised that the names of Dense, Sarah Hunkabeast and McTurtle’s aren’t on the list. But they could get torched if Rump spontaneously combusts from rage.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    “The Fat Lady Is Clearing Her Throat” Which fat that’s no lady, Rudy G or Donnie? Team Mueller has no need to hear either of those two sing. Rudy gave his all on cable TV and IQ45 has been providing verses of Twitter confessions, plus a few implicating TV interviews. Maybe Sarah Chuck-a-Load Sandbag will be the finale witness.

  6. Revenge of Benghazi: The Payback!

  7. Weather forecast for the week: Expect extreme twitter storms with constant gusts of lies and accusations.

  8. megasoid says:

    At this hour, Reuters front page is running a photo series of trump’s spawn, and various hangers-on. The judiciary’s most wanted list of this administration.

    Kind of like baseball cards of corruption. Aww, man… I got a Jeff Sessions. Trade ya for a Don Jr.?

  9. Do I hear a strange gurgling, spluttering sound out of Washington D.C.?

    Finally, the swamp is draining…

  10. Why Sean Spicer, but not Sarah Huckster? Why not Ivanka?

  11. What about Kellyanne and George Conway?

  12. Waiting for that fool, Hannity.

  13. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Trump Campaign aide, Michael Caputo, freaked the hell out having received a letter “I received one of Nadler’s letters today,” “Why can’t they just defeat him In 2020 if they hate him so much? Why must Nadler and his ilk instead abuse American citizens under false pretenses? I have a family!” <– their victims do as well.
