The Fall of the House of Bush

February 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For whatever reason, results from Nevada are lagging at this time, still.  As most of those votes are from Clark County, it is likely that Hillary’s lead will not diminish.

At this point of the game it’s still difficult to cull meaning from Nevada, because the only splits I’ve seen have been from entrance polls, which indicate that Bernie overwhelmingly got people under 30 and, oddly, Hispanics by a small margin.  But if the Hispanic vote was skewed younger, those two data points could be related.  How did Hillary win, then?  Women.  Women turned out and women went for Hillary.

I caution you these are from unreliable ENTRANCE poll splits, if we get better indicators, I will share them.  Overall, this does NOT change the view of the Dems we looked at last week; March 1 is still the watershed.

As for SC, Bush underperformed after spending all his money, so he had no narrative and no cash.  End of Story.  For the remainder, the discussion we had earlier also still obtains: Trump’s hard ceiling will win disproportionately large amounts of delegates unless and until the field narrows to 2, at which point he’s vulnerable, or 3, in which case he could be denied the nomination on the first ballot.

In the broader narrative, I believe the Fall of the House of Bush signals the definitive end of the muscular welt-politik, uber-capitalist wing of the Party as the driving force.  The Lindsay Grahams are now about to move on to the “eminence grise” phase of their careers, prior to their permanent gigs on the ash heap of history.  Marco pretends to that mantle, but lacks the strength to wear it well, or to make it stick beyond – maybe – holding the coalition together long enough to get the nomination.

Funny: in a non-gerrymandered, post-Citizens United world, moderate Republicans might have stood a chance to save the soul of their party.  But they sold their political birthright for a mess of electoral pottage.  They never Esau it coming.


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0 Comments to “The Fall of the House of Bush”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    I heard of Esau. No idea what or who it is,but I remember the name from the book Lord Grizzly by Frederick Manfred.

  2. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Nice metaphor!

  3. Mark Schlemmer says:

    What I find interesting is that the billionaires in the background have been staying in deep cover for several months while the rabble sorts out . . . er, votes . . . in these early primaries. It is like the big meeting in the Godfather when Michael is about to move west and has o “settle all the family business” before the big move. Seems like there will be a few political “hits” in the very near future.

  4. e platypus onion says:

    This fits better here. e platypus onion says:
    February 21, 2016 at 10:53 am
    Since we are all upstanding citizens,can we got to court and force the Bush Campaign to go on living against their wishes? Oh please,please,please!

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    Primo, you have been a saint. Now go have a cocktail. You deserve one.

  6. e platypus onion, that’s perfect!

  7. Indiana Pearl says:

    Does this drive a stake in the heart of future GPB campaigns?

  8. The House of Bush fell years ago since it has been several years since any Bush has held office. We just didn’t notice because no one was paying much attention to Bushes.

    The Tea Party did not take over the GOP this year. They’ve owned it (pwned it?) for a while.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    Jebya’s life ended with the death of Scalia. Now the Scotus can’t install Jebya in the WH unless a liberal votes for the majority. Too bad,so sad.

  10. Someone explained that the Democrats have superdelegates who can sway the nomination away from the one who got the most votes in the primaries, and that this was set up because the head honchos were afraid of getting a nominee who was unelectable.

    I bet the GOP wish to high heck that they had superdelegates.

  11. According to Primo, the RKlan does have super delegates of a sort, who are not committed to the winners of primaries or caucuses. They may pull the rug out from under Trump yet. That’s when it’s going to be super interesting.
    As for the death of the Bush dynasty, long overdue.

  12. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    A couple of months ago, I bought a bumper sticker from It’s red, white, & blue and features an upside-down elephant and the words “Do Not Resuscitate” in bold print. It was in case the Republicans refused to come to their senses. Yesterday after the south Carolina primary, I put it on the back of my car.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    Okay, ancient story, good point. Once upon a time, there were two brothers. Their names were Esau and Jacob. Esau was the oldest by a few minutes or something, and was supposed to inherit the estate–his birthright. He was a big hairy dude. (Think Robertson for the hairy part.) Jacob, on the other hand, was his mama’s favorite. She wanted him to inherit the birthright. His papa was blind and about to die. Esau was going hunting and his papa said, “Go get some antelope or whatever and make me something good to eat so I can bless you and die. “Sure thing, Papa.” and Esau was out the door. Now Rebecca was listening. She said, Jacob, fix some of that stew for your papa and when you take it to him, put the hair of the animal on your arms so he’ll think you’re Esau. So Jacob did. Somewhere along in there, Jacob took the stew to his papa and lied to him, said he was Esau. Of course, being blind was confusing. He said “you sound like Jacob but you smell and feel like Esau.” Anyway he finally gave in and blessed Jacob, making him a wealthy man. Jacob was very tricky. Read the story. Anyway, Esau came back from hunting and smelled the stew. He said “I”m STARVING! Let me have some stew.” Jacob said “I’ll give you a bowl of stew if you give me your birthright.” So Esau did. He found out what happened and he was super MAD. Jacob had to run away. It was like 40 years or something before they saw each other again and both were mature and rich. But if you want to know kinda what is being referred to when someone says “He gave up his inheritance for a bowl of clam chowder” or something, you’ll have a reference. It’s not just about food.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    p.s. We gotta do something about super delegates. Grayson said he’s a super delegate and how do we want him to vote. Most of them we don’t even know who they are. Or I don’t.

  15. Old Mayfly says:

    Romney endorses Rubio! Well, that settles that for the GOP. Please proceed, dear Republicans.

  16. e platypus onion says:

    Marge was funnier the way Frederick Manfred told it about a bear sniffing injured Hugh Glass wearing a bearskin. 🙂

  17. georgieporgie says:

    Thank yew, God for ending the painful Bush Dynasty. Hopefully, this cuts carpetbagger Pee out of the loop. George Pee Bush, son of Jeb(?) Bush, migrated to Texas for a successful run at General Land Commissioner, the first step in ascendancy to his expected turn at the presidency.

    Pee was named for his infamous grandfather, Sen. Prescott Bush, proto Bush dynasty war criminal. (google Prescott Bush). The lad sports a 5 o’clock shadow that would make Nixon proud, plus has that vacuous Rubio look, a winning combination for his R cult fans.

    A history aside: Bush family enterprise, Dresser Industries, had a huge asbestos liability. When Darth Cheney headed Halliburton, he bought out Dresser, including that liability, much to the distress of some Halliburton stockholders. Said stockholders filed suits, lasting for years. But Cheney had ridden to the Bush family’s aid, saving their fortune by magically dissolving a major financial negative for them. Veepship followed.

  18. maryelle, I’d love to see the GOP pull the rug out from under Trump if he has enough primary wins to look like the nominee. Then either he runs as a third candidate and splits the GOP vote, or his voters are so angry that they stay home on election day. At this point I’ll cheer for anything honest that keeps the GOP from taking over the entire government and sending us all down a very ugly road.

  19. “Esau it coming”, oh what a delicious pun, never mind the metaphor.

  20. Wapo says tRump has the snacilbupeR spot locked up. They’re also saying that it’s nearly impossible for Bernie to stop Hilary now due to the ethnic composition of the remaining states with many delegates. They expect Hilary to clean up on the SEC primaries and Super Tuesday.

    MN, where I live, is a toss up for the Democrats. We caucus on Super Tuesday and I’ve been undecided, but I think I’m going for Hilary. I’m also caucusing for Maureen Ramirez, to replace the snacilbupeR state senator who retired.

  21. e platypus onion says:

    georgieporgy-Good catch. Here is more about Helliburton and Dresser.×5143708

    Seems our Darth Dickhead was doing business with Saddam HusBush in Iraq using Dresser to skirt American laws against American companies doing business with our sworn enemy.

  22. @Ralph Wiggam

    Yep. I never metaphor that I didn’t like!

  23. georgieporgie says:

    Thanks a bunch, epo! I’d forgotten about! The comments following that were very interesting. More good stuff @ The titles say it all: A Nazi in the (pocket) is worth four in the Bush (family) Part One – Part II ‘Frauds-R-Us’. Those articles will knock your socks off… how has this family of crooks and thieves (for a century) managed to come out smelling like roses. The irony of Dubya getting elected thru preachers exhorting parishioners to vote for this man just makes me want to toss my cookies.
