As Most of You Know … And South Carolina!

February 20, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bubba is running for reelection as Democratic County Chairman.  Since some of y’all donated to the Help Hazel Keep People in Front of the Polls Campaigning for Bubba Fund, I thought you’d like to see Hazel tonight with her friend Sharon. Sharon’s husband, Ruben, is the local very popular constable. Davis, Reynolds and Bubba Bankston are running as a team.




And there was Nevada and South Carolina.  Damn, ya’ll,  Donald Trump is running for President.


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0 Comments to “As Most of You Know … And South Carolina!”

  1. Well JJ, Aren’t you a site for sore eyes! Glad everything worked out, and pretty danged happy about Nevada and So. Carolina as well.

    Wishing Don all the best in his race with the NutterButter and pretty sure the best man will win.

  2. P.S.- Can’t click to see the big one. I’ll have to guess how nice the ladies look. Unlike yours, my eyes need work.

  3. What must the rest of the world think of us?

  4. Chloe Bear says:

    Jeb Bush is suspending his presidential campaign, a source close to the matter said, capping a stunning deterioration for a candidate who once seemed destined for the GOP nomination.

    The former Florida governor failed to make much of an impact in the South Carolina primary, which Donald Trump won on Saturday night, and was facing a cash crunch in the upcoming contests.

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    Bush drops out. Please clap.

  6. JAKva – Hahahahaaaaaaaa!!!!

  7. I can see the slogan now:

    Rubio/Palin We’ll be gone before you know it

  8. linda, agreed. I don’t see why people who avoid hard work want to be president. Same with Trump. When is he going to figure out that it’s not just yelling in front of crowds and calling people losers?

  9. Rhea, about the same time he actually graduates from pre-K.

  10. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Let’s make sure Trump never gets where he finds that out for real…because any whinybaby tantrum-talented blowhard will go limp as wet toast the moment real trouble comes. And it comes to all Presidents, one way or another.

  11. Marcia in CO says:

    I support Bubba, too!
    MSNBC announced Jeb[?] had dropped out … so I clapped and hollered yahoo last night! LOL

  12. e platypus onion says:

    So dumbass Jebya did learn something from the Mary Schiavo case- he learned to pull the plug on someone on life support-his own campaign.

  13. Only because the emergency generator running the Jeb! campaign’s respirator ran out of gas.

  14. Trump’s success is destroying the RKlan, so 3 cheers for the ignorant, bigoted “low-information” voters who are helping him.
    The RINO rats are deserting the ship in droves. Tea hee.

  15. Best wishes for Bubba, and welcome back.

    Couple of observations about last night’s primary and caucus. Rubio is the main threat to HRC, but eventually he’ll have to win a state. There’s a double standard at play. If HRC takes the nomination through superdelegates rather than elected delegates it’s because she’s a power hungry fixer. If Rubio does the same thing, it’s okay because Murrica and Jesus.

    And the Carson vulture has come home to roost. He’ll stay in to make money, but also to pull from Cruz, out of spite for multiple dirty tricks.

    If Bernie is going to start a political revolution based on turnout, he’s going to have to do better than the 30% decrease over 08 in Nevada.

    Finally, given the unseemly actions of various Bernie supporters recently- including hooting down Dolores Huerta and attacking Cong. Cummings and Clyburn- there is a recent parallel. The Ron Paul cult has morphed into Berie Bots.

  16. e platypus onion says:

    Since we are all upstanding citizens,can we got to court and force the Bush Campaign to go on living against their wishes? Oh please,please,please!

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Scott Kair, I found the rumors about Bernie supporters to be disturbing, too. Until I discovered that the incident did not happen as has been reported:

    I can’t speak for any of the southern NV precincts because I wasn’t there. But I am happy to share that relations between the Clinton and and Sanders supporters were congenial and jovial at times in the precincts where we were. (multiple precincts in one building) In our precinct a mere folding table separated the groups. Fun was one young fellow on the Bernie side yelling “Mom!” whenever participants were asked if there were any ‘undecided’ voters. He didn’t succeed in changing his Mom’s vote, but they had fun. The mock threat of “no grandchildren for you, Mom” was was his final jest.

  18. I am resigned to HRC being the Democratic nominee, but that won’t stop me from voting Bernie in NY’s primary. I refuse to speak ill of my fellow Democrats, even when I can’t stand them, apart from Sheldon Silver and his ilk.

  19. Hillary had the nomination stolen from her the last time and now I hope she goes all the way, given her intelligence, experience and strength. I don’t see anyone else in this race with the diplomatic ability she possesses. We owe such a debt of grattitude to President Obama for taking the mess our country was in and turning it all around. Perhaps it was for the best that she didn’t get elected in 2008. Now she can benefit from the work of a very competent leader and build on what he has done. She’s the best person for the job.

  20. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maryelle, you might enjoy this CNN transcript. Sen/Sec Clinton does a great job of defining our role with Israel and the two state solution.

    I look forward to whichever of our Democratic candidates debate the end of the snacilbupeR goat rope.

  21. Thanks, PKM. Great article.

  22. Marcia in CO says:

    Maryelle … I totally agree with you … I did not vote for Hillary the first time, but I was torn between her and Barack and in the end, I went with Barack. It was a first no matter which way I voted … it just seemed to be the right time for Barack. And now … well, I truly feel it is Hillary’s time, however, if Bernie ends up being the nominee, I will vote for him so we can keep a Democrat in the White House.
