The Election Goes Out Not With A Bang But With A WI/MI/PA. It Shouldn’t.

November 04, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Words from Deb T.

Yes, I know you were disappointed but work with me for a moment.
You won the presidency. I know Trump is yelling and rage tweeting but this is “sound and fury signifying nothing.” Biden is ahead in Pennsylvania and the votes coming in are going to go in his favor. They have just called Wisconsin and Michigan for him – you’ve got this and you got it with 3 million more votes than Trump did.
I get it, it is an ugly win, but a win, is a win and it would not hurt you to take a victory mini lap. I get it that you were constitutionally predisposed to not do this but I want you to give it a try. Take a deep breath plaster a smile on your face and do your damn happy dance!
Are you disappointed about Texas – of course you are. But you came really close and that is an awfully good thing! Not only that you made some serious gains in Wisconsin, Michigan, and you turned Arizona and Colorado BLUE!
Are there things to be bummed about? For sure! You didn’t recognize that the Latino community is one giant monolith. You blew it on Senate races and you lost a few in the House. But there are two more Senate races that are still in play and you need to focus on those! Not only that you didn’t lose the House and did I mention that you won the Presidency. So buck up buttercup!
Not that anybody is asking me, but if they were here is what I tell you:
* Start acting like winners, nobody likes a loser. Moping around with your tail between your legs, like you’re a whipped puppy, isn’t going to get you any more votes! It sure isn’t going to win you those two Senate seats that are still in play and that you need to be focusing on.
* Pick up the phone and do a conference call with Stacey Abrams, Ben Wikler & Beto O’Rourke, and listen to them for a change!  They moved that needle and you might just learn something from them.
* Get on the phone with people who honestly understand rural voters! Jane Fleming Kleeb is a member of your party, why isn’t she on speed dial?
* While I am at it you might want to have a chat with Senator Sherwood Brown and Connie Schultz about Ohio. They understand Ohio, they win in Ohio, if you asked nicely they might explain the ins and outs of how that works.
* You’ve got serious work to do with the Latino community and you just might want to reach out to people who actually knows something about it. You know people who aren’t in a political box someone like Maria Hinojsa or Laloalcaraz who would probably be willing to explain say the differences between Latino communities and how the Mexican experience differs from the Puerto Rican or Cuban or Bolivian experience – because it’s not the same.
* Speaking of groups you need to talk to, you darn well better reach out to the Black community because they have done more of the heavy lifting to improve this democracy than any other group.
I know, that’s a lot, and it isn’t like anybody at the vaunted DCC is actually paying any attention to what I say, still hope springs eternal.
Finally, you have won the Presidency, Joe Biden has racked up more votes than any candidate in history. We flipped Arizona Michigan Wisconsin and Nebraska to BLUE. I think we’re going to flip Pennsylvania and quite probably Georgia. We beat an incumbent president, that NEVER HAPPENS. We just elected the first black woman vice president. I think maybe we’re allowed to savor it for a few days. So, put on your big boy and big girl panties, do your best happy dance and celebrate for a day or two. No whimpering, it’s time to celebrate, because I’ve got news for you, ain’t nobody voting for Eeyore, it is Tigger for the win!

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