The Dude is Evil

October 29, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, really?  I just don’t get it.




Okay, all of us can list the vulgar and violent things that Trump has said.  He glorifies violence. We can all give specific examples of that.

I think we should ask Trump for one example where “fake news” has encouraged violence.  He claims he doesn’t watch the fake news yet he magically knows everything they say.

Politico has a story about Trump’s “Executive Time.”

President Donald Trump had about three times as much free time planned for last Tuesday as work time, according to his private schedule. The president was slated for more than nine hours of “Executive Time,” a euphemism for the unstructured time Trump spends tweeting, phoning friends and watching television. Official meetings, policy briefings and public appearances — typically the daily work of being president — consumed barely more than three hours of his day.

Spending time watching teevee, playing on the iPhone and jacking around talking to your friends is anything but executive time.

And, is it just me or do his random capitalizations show a deteriorating mind?


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0 Comments to “The Dude is Evil”

  1. Evil and STUPID. And that is never a good combination.

  2. I’d add: demented, immoral, unethical, fascist and racist. I’m sure there are some other choice words that can be added here.

  3. Mike in MO says:

    In reference to your headline, I’ve been saying that for months.

  4. The root of fake news is faux noose. The gullible and ignorant believe everything they say. Faux noose is a fake news outlet since they purport and say in very small letters they are not a news outlet but “entertainment”.

    Rump is as stupid as his followers that watch this propaganda.

    As I see it the only way to reduce the influence of sh** shows like faux noose, is hit them in the wallet. Don’t support their sponsors, don’t buy their products, and tell them why.

  5. He has a point… it’s just not directed toward the culpable outlet (Faux).

  6. One example of fake news is the AP report from a NPR reporter during the Nevada Democratic state convention. He reported that Bernie supporters threw chairs. Every news outlet I watched picked up the story for a couple of days.

    A week later the reporter was fired when it was revealed he wasn’t even there. But the damage was done. IMO, trusted sources can be trusted when they are verified. That kinda crap happens often enough to give Trump and his supporters credibility and ammunition.

  7. @Crone

    I hadn’t read that about the AP and npr. Horrifying that there are fewer and fewer news organizations that the public can trust for the facts and the truth.

  8. Everyone knows nouns are capitalized in German, right?

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    “Fake News” is the province of Fox Not the News, Sinclair and most if not all of hate wing radio. If anyone is over qualified to spot a liar, that would be Dotard45. Look in the mirror, Tiny.

    The man who is out campaigning to portray a few thousand unarmed men, women and children fleeing violence, poverty and seeking asylum from unimaginable conditions as an “invading force” is NOT the man to be tweeting about fake anything. Except maybe hair. Bastante!

  10. I think the random capitalizations indicate just a passing familiarity with how to write the English language. And he has called himself “The Hemingway of 140 characters”. Twitter’s decision to give him 280 characters has shown us that he’s twice as ignorant as we initially thought.

  11. I would love to see the Press boycott him for a span of several days. He would flip his little lid without the constant coverage of his every word. Just ignore him and refrain from even using his name. He might realize just how much he needs the Press to spread his hate. It would also remind the world that there are still good people out there doing their best to keep us safe and strong. They need the front page more than he does!

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    Dee Smith that’s an excellent idea which should include all the Donnie apologists who appear to Gish Gallop and gaslight on behalf of Dotard45.

  13. And yet another suspicious package was intercepted in Atlanta, bound for CNN. But since Trump didn’t actually send it himself, it’s not his rhetoric that’s to blame.

  14. There is enormous rage in the country caused almost solely by inaccurate, and even fraudulent criticism of honest reporting of the truth, and the cause is Donald Trump and his cronies and quislings. He has turned the Big Lie into the Gigantic Barrage of BS.

  15. Jane & PKM says:

    Who knew? Dotard45 is a funny guy. The Twitter pResident is now claiming that Twitter is biased against him. Yeah. That’s why Twitter banned his account months ago for repeated lies and inflammatory remarks. Say wot? Twitter didn’t ban him? and in fact doubled the number of characters available to Donnie for his early hour rants from the throne? Delete yourself, Donnie.*

    * H/T to Senator Elizabeth Warren for the best advice ever given to Donnie: “Delete yourself”

  16. “…is it just me or do his random capitalizations show a deteriorating mind?”

    I think it shows how tiny his hands are. He does all this Tweeting on a *phone*? Really? Gawd, I *hate* the keyboard on the phone – I’m always hitting the wrong letter! 😛

  17. Charles R Phillips says:

    Donald Trump is a liar. L-I-A-R, LIAR! Over 3,000 known, provable, MAJOR LIES since he was sworn in. He lies, he cheats, he steals. THAT’S WHO HE IS!

    And anyone who follows him is stupid. S-T-U-P-I-D, STUPID. They are so desperate for validation of their horrible, racist, socially pinched lives, that they trust and believe everydamnthing that comes out of his mouth. NOTHING THEY SAY OR DO CAN BE TRUSTED.

  18. I don’t know to what degree he lies and to what degree he’s just telling us how things are in his fantasyland. I don’t think he has a grip on reality. Maybe nobody could lie that much and stay sane.

    My idea of how much work a President does is highly colored by a scene from “Commander in Chief,” the TV series with Geena Davis as a VP who succeeded to the office of President. She’s walking down a hall in the WH and an aide is walking beside her giving her that day’s schedule of meetings, briefings, talks, etc. and it sounds like she barely has time to use the toilet. That’s a fictional scene, but I’d bet it’s a normal President’s normal day.

    On the other hand, the less “work” Donnie is doing, the less he’s f***ing up….

  19. Jane & PKM says:

    Rhea, while totally agreeing that “less” is better with anything about Dotard45, it’s small comfort. Some days it seems he’s the distraction sent out by his maladministration to take the focus off the damage being done by his minions, Munchkin, DeVile, Zinke, et. al. Dog knows what Javanka is doing with Mohammed Bone Saw to bring about ‘peace’ in the Middle East.

  20. Then spends the rest of his time flying around i. air Force One.,holding rallies to glorify himself and lie like a dog.

  21. From killer joe scarborough, to nicole wallace telling people to “watch what they say” during the twits misrule, to Steve schimdt’s I didn’t know sarah was a nutjob when i recommended her.
    I give you Eschaton
    “Cut Your Mic
    IF you spent your entire adult life supporting the Republican party and then wake up under Trump and decide that maybe you made a few mistakes along the way, your book and book tour should not be navel gazing. It should be “here are people you should have listened to instead of me, a really stupid guy who caused a lot of problems.” That would be valuable!”
    And to msnbc, and the media at large, why give these fools a podium and further legitmasize their ignorance, lies and self justification.

  22. two crows says:

    But . . . but . . . but he SAID

  23. two crows says:

    [Damn that ‘submit’ button! I never hit it! I swear I didn’t!]

    But hey — to repeat myself:

    But . . . but . . . but he SAID, during an interview on the teevee machine on his campaign trail that President Obama was spending too much ‘executive time’ on the golf course and HE wasn’t gonna do that — that HE would be too busy to play golf!
    Oh wait — did Trump lie??? Stop the presses!

    On the other hand, I just thank our lucky stars that he spends all his time playing on his phone and golfing — because the alternative would be far, far worse, for sure. Just imagine all the trouble he would be getting us into if he were to actually – you know – do his job. THANK GOD he spends his time loafing and getting that second scoop of ice cream and that special cake they serve him [and no one else] at Mara Lago.

  24. Somehow some way some tv network absolutely must run a full series of all the films of HItler speaking to his minions as well as films just dedicated to his buddies like Goebbels et al. Translations a must. This current crowd of viewers must see and hear just how much tRump sounds and acts like them.

  25. One must wonder if there occurs another time where the choice is between a crook and a racist, such as the Louisana gov. election between dodo duke and edwards where the thuglicans of that day even agreed that people should “Vote for the crook” it is is important, if they would do the same?
    Or would it be more likely that they would put out a full throated defense of the bigot.faux trying to explain how we should try to understand and sympathize with those poor put upon racist.
    Though it would be more likely they would fund attack ad after attack ad and by not mentioning thuglican candinate, except as an alternative, hoping to win by default. Only time, I am aware of, that perjurer poppa showed any class at all.

  26. @K

    Were they serious about Palin? I thought they picked her to throw the election. They knew the economy was in the tank.
    Jeez, who could seriously consider Palin? Thanks for the whole other light on Schmidt and Wallace

  27. “And, is it just me or do his random capitalizations show a deteriorating mind?”

    I think he believes he’s subliminally reminding us he’s IN THE CAPITAL of America. Randomly.

  28. @Crone
    Schimdt himself stated they felt the need to have a “reset” of campaign and were looking for an “out of the box” candinate for mccain to create the illusion that he wasn’t just a continuation of the twits misrule, which schimdt supported.
    A woman governor who was popular seemed to be the ticket. Schimdt himself flew to alaska and did the interview before she was named.
    But now we are suppose to take him serious.

  29. K

    Thanks for the heads up. I took him seriously when seen on MSNBC. But, he has only been on since Trump.

  30. K, I’ve gotta tell you, the thuglicans of the day when duke ran against Edwards did not suggest that any one else was a viable candidate. They wholeheartedly supported duke. I was there and it made me sick to listen to them. They rejected Roemer because he was a conservative Dem who changed party during his term. Just like the snacilbupeR rejected Roemer in the 2012 election for president because he wasn’t vile enough.

    On the whole capitalization thing, my thinking is that donny dolt thinks it’s presidential. After all, the documents he’s seen from the great founding of our nation seem to have words randomly capitalized, hence his repeat of same. Note I said seen, dolt has never actually read one of those documents.

  31. @mikey
    But I seem to remember the national party did disavow duke.
    Local party is another thing.

    Of course it was probably just a sham disavowal done with a wink and a nod.

  32. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    “Executive Time” is when Putin talks with him on the insecure phone and gives him hints as to what he should be tweeting and saying at the next rally.

  33. Saw a t-shirt that says, “Remember when Sarah Palin was the craziest person in politics? Good times.”
