
October 29, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sorry I am AWOL today.  I finished making call lists for some of our local candidates to call on rainy days between now and election day Tuesday.

I know you’ve heard about the voting machines in Texas being screwed up. I really don’t think there’s a grand conspiracy or anything.  Our machines are old and they expect voters to be slow.  We’ve all gotten a little speedier on the computer stuff and some people click next page when the whole page hasn’t downloaded yet. We just need to remind people that the last page is a final check of how you are voting.  If it’s wrong, it’s easy to fix.

Yes, I think Beto still has a chance to win.

I also think we’ll pick up several Texas House seats, which would be amazing.  I do not think we’ll take a majority in the Texas House, but we’ll take enough to slow this damn train down.

I hope to be back on the internet machine tomorrow.


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0 Comments to “Phew!”

  1. At a certain point continueing to us faulty equipment, either by design or age, in poor and democratic areas does become a grand design/conspiracy.
    Just like the way the traitor states had implemented “separate but equal” in education where the demographicaly African american schools only got cast offs, old and non functional equipment for their schools.
    No great conspiracy but aicheved racist goals non the less.
    So it is with using voting machines that are known to be unreliable in blue and poor areas.
    After a while the repeated occurances of pure “coincidence’s” of how these issues always effect poor, areas with greater number of minority voters cease to become beleivable.
    Like Now.

  2. If it was just machines getting old you would experience flipping votes in both directions. Haven’t heard of any machine flipping from Cruz to Beto.

  3. Saw where demented donnies implementation of Jade helm includes a number of engineering/construction units.
    Wonder if they have secret orders to just seize property and start building the wall out of defense/ black budget funds?

    Though have to admit as obscene, and ineffective, a wall might be it is probably the most benign use of this money that our cut rate merc’s (what used to be military) would use it for.

  4. That Other Jean says:

    May all your wishes come true. Enough new Democratic seats in the Texas Legislature to derail the Trump Train would be fantastic. Beto winning would be beyond wonderful. Thank you for all your work to make it happen.

  5. What the other Jean just said.
    By the way any news on Alex Jones trial?

  6. Want a conspiracy.
    a 73 year old Maryland man was convicted of illegally voting 9 times in Maryland and W. virginia. He admitted it.
    Punishment 1 year probation and a $100 fine.

    Well that proves he was white and a thuglican. A woman of color who did by accident once is doing what 5 years in a texas dungeon while this avowed fraudster is walking around.
    No comment as to whether he lost his voting rights.
    But don’t worry no conspiracy. With an blind ideologue’s on the bench who needs a conspiracy.

  7. slipstream says:

    K: Well, before the military can begin building the wall, first they have to build tunnels connecting all the Walmarts.

  8. @slipstream
    ” first they have to build tunnels connecting all the Walmarts.”

    I thought the whackjobs who stopped Jade Helm before had “evidence” of that already have been done in preparation.

  9. Thanks for ALL your work.

  10. JJ, vaya con Dios!

  11. Don’t vote straight ticket. It takes longer to vote individual races, but it’s safer. And, JJ, don’t be too sure it’s not a conspiracy. Purposely using old, unreliable voting machines is conspiratorial in itself, plus as @weakgrip pointed out your theory of slow paging would flip votes in both directions. Of course it’s a conspiracy, it’s Texas.

  12. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    I respectfully disagree. If you start screaming that we’re getting robbed, that alone suppressed the Democratic vote. People will not go vote if they are told their vote doesn’t matter. We have an exceptionally long ballot in my district. People will not take the time to mark each individual race. This is the science part of political science. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but study after study has shown that yelling about voter fraud suppresses the vote and hurts down ballot races for Democrats.

  13. JJ Sounds like the old you know the games crooked but it is the only game in town.

  14. I love Juanita Jean, a beautician after my heart, and I love Sen Susan Collins, also a woman after my heart both women tell the unadulterated truth. Now, on the other hand, we have Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Maxine Waters, both loose cannons without any hint of ever ascribing to be souls of discretion. I doubt that either loose cannon has ever bothered to taste their words before allowing them to pass through their lips. For some comic relief, I suggest Trump and Waters engage in a televised duel, a verbal duel of nonsensible gibberish.
