The Dog Whistles Are Now Available in English!

July 10, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Republican running against Heidi Heitkamp in the closely watched North Dakota senate race just lost his dog whistle and started speaking plain ole English.

Representative Kevin Cramer said that he told Trump not to make his Supreme Court pick “some sort of affirmative action pick.”

Affirmative action pick?  Gee, what could he possibly mean by that? White. He means heterosexual white male with no physical handicaps whatsoever, except for that line of insecurity and insanity that years of inter-marrying caused.

He means Aryan with a penis.

Oh, good Lord. They’ve given-up on even trying to talk in code.


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0 Comments to “The Dog Whistles Are Now Available in English!”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    I think he meant “ no icky girls.” For people that hate gays, Republicans sure don’t seem to like women very much, either.

  2. Cramer reminds me of my panhandle cousins, whom my little bride and I visited recently. It was difficult because so many in that, my sainted mother’s clan, farm and/or ranch and so they listen to Rush on the radio in the tractor or pickup and say “damn straight” ever so often.

    It must be so easy to live as a conservative man. So little intellectual energy is required to reach your deeply held beliefs.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    If this dolt is running against Heitkamp, it means House his seat is up for grabs. Are ND Democrats or the DNC taking notice? While Heitkamp is no prize, certainly she can beat this moron without expending huge resources better spent elsewhere.

  4. lazrgrl says:

    You could’ve tried a trick I heard was foisted on spouse’s Repub brother. When Jr. left home for good for his own apartment, his parting shot was to block Fox on the family TV.

  5. @lazrgrl

    I see your point although there is more than just Faux Snoose to block on the conservative’s cable lineup.

  6. Jane & PKM, the Democratic candidate for the North Dakota At-Large seat is Mac Schneider. The primary was last month, but you probably didn’t hear about it because he ran unopposed.

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    Origuy, thank you! Would really hate it if Democrats didn’t make a run at every available seat. Don’t like playing the minimum seats needed game. Let’s smoke ’em in 2018.

  8. News reports are making a big deal of the SCOTUS vote being “make or break” for Heidi. Democrats can get Susan Collins and possibly Lisa Murkowski on our side, but can we keep Heitkamp, Manchin and the other guy, whose name escapes me?

    In the ND Congressional campaign, I wonder if noise is being made about support or opposition to Kavanaugh? Haven’t heard anything about it in Minnesota.

  9. Micr:
    That’s a great observation.
    And being a white middle-aged man myself, it’s assumed by most conservatives that I share their low-energy-intellectualism.
