Screw It. I’m Watchin’ the Ball Game.

July 09, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I will not be watching Trump’s butt-ignorant speech tonight.  There’s a ballgame on. I have to wash my hair. I’m allergic to dumb. I have a headache. There’s a bowling tournament down at Lucky Strike Lanes and Gourmet Dessert Emporium. My teevee is already peeved at me for watching too many reruns of West Wing so I don’t want to alienate it further.  Bubba put the channel changer in the garbage disposal the last time Trump spoke and I don’t want to risk it again. Did I mention that I have a headache?

So, if you watch it, please feel free to cushion my reaction by posting right here. 

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0 Comments to “Screw It. I’m Watchin’ the Ball Game.”

  1. I see no reason to watch the two bit orange game show host treat picking a Supreme like he is putting on a contest to win Trump steaks.

  2. Charles R Phillips says:

    I’m hoping for Hardiman. Blue collar upbringing, wife’s family all Dems, and what I’ve read, reasonable–not whacky– opinions.

  3. I hear ya, Sister! I’m listening the Nats game on the radio.

  4. AK Lynne says:

    Whyever would we want to watch that?

    A perfect description of Trump occurred to me as I thought of him “interacting” with the leaders of other countries.

    The turd in the punchbowl.

  5. Yeah, sometimes there are just more important things to do. Like tonight I have to change the water on the alfalfa sprouts, milk the goats, empty my urine from the the 5 gallon plastic bucket and throw it around the sheep paddock to dissuade the coons and wildcats from killing my Barbados lambs, and ……. oh yeah, finishing off the bottle of cheap white wine.

  6. Sweet Crabby says:

    I swear he’s drugged. His affect is different, and was more so especially at the beginning. And he for damn sure didn’t write this. Wait until he tweets about it.

  7. Charles R Phillips says:

    It’s Kavanaugh, that rat f**ker!

  8. Jill Ann says:

    I’m watching the Astros. Really hope Springer starts hitting soon. I’ll read the commentary about Kavanagh later, but we just couldn’t stand listening to the latest episode of The Apprentice.

  9. Kavanaugh, you had to see it coming. He was looking for someone who said that, a sitting President can not be indicted or even subpoenaed. In Kavanaugh, Kennedy’s former clerk, he gets just exactly that!

  10. One time as the show I was watching was going off, they announced a speech by the president, and I thought, oh well, maybe I’ll see what he’s got to say. But someone announced, “Ladies and gentleman, the President of the United States,” and Dubya walked out, and I had to switch off before I got the dry heaves.

    Now it’s worse.

  11. @Deb: I knew it would be him exactly because of that comment. The confirmation hearing oughta be a hoot!

  12. lazrgrl says:

    I rewatched some of the #1 Ladies Detective Agency series (found it on YouTube). Funny, wise, and I love Jill Scott (as a fellow lady of traditional build). Now on to the Sox.

  13. I’m retired and my schedule is my own, leisurely pleasure. It’s so weird how some rigid commitment seems to always arise just when pres Child Abuser is going to show his hideous mug and open his globular mouth. Must be some kind of cosmic interference from Enceladus. I guess there really is intelligent life there, intelligenter than what’s in the White House anyway.

    I shouldn’t damn unknown life forms with such faint praise. Sorry, little green people. However, if you’re angry with us, please come on over. I’d be more than happy to take you to my pathetic and feckless leader. It’s all his fault. Take him and all his pals and progeny away. A very long, repeated and concentrated series of anal probes is in order.

  14. Pia Holm says:

    Something about weapons-grade stupid… A Face in the Crowd x Scarface (Paul Muni).

  15. I played Free Cell all evening. Didn’t get any smarter, but I didn’t stress out for a change.

  16. Watched my Rangers lose to Boston. More fun than anything anything Cadet Bone Spurs ever has to say.

  17. Listening to Donald Trump give a speech is like listening to a 6th grader give a book report he didn’t write, about a book he didn’t read.

    I avoid it when possible.

  18. Did not bother to take in the Great Announcement. Kavanaugh has said quite a few things over the years that have come back to to roost on him. For that matter, so have all of them on that bench. Unlike the majority of the Justices, he has actually worked in government at different levels. He knows which desk has the most gum wads stuck to the bottom. I do hope his good friend Elena, a member of the Venus Triangle along with Ruth and Sonia, can wise him up quickly. Seriously, you never want to get that threesome on your neck! I also recall the Eisenhower Administration and the Supreme Court. Ike thought he had a sure thing with his appointment to the bench only to find out the guy was a jurist with an independent streak as wide as a super highway. I also recall that it was Roberts, the Chief Justice of this Supreme Court, that saved Obama’s bacon on the ACA. And please remember that before the Enlightened Eleven ever get to see a case, it comes mauled and often barely breathing by the time they get it. Plus, they do exercise free will as to what they will hear. Just one thing. I hope this guy says a lot more in his hearing before the Senate than Gorsuch did. That guy almost had lock-jaw.

  19. We watch a lot of British Mysteries……I would rather deal with death and meyhem than the dump.

  20. maryelle says:

    Many thanks to AK Lynne for “Turd in the Punchbowl” and to
    Pia Holm for “…weapons grade stupid…” , and Edward for “… a book report he didn’t write about a book he didn’t read…”
    Priceless gems, I plan to borrow this very day!

  21. IF Kavanaugh is confirmed, there will be a vacancy on the DC Appeals Court. Hmmm! A conservative there also?
    Two turds with one stone.

  22. Jane & PKM says:

    Congratulations to the Thai Navy Seals and the many responsible for the safe rescue of the 12 young members of the Wild Boar soccer team and their coach!

  23. I went for a compassion antidote and watched “The Incredible Dr. Pol.”
