The Devil is a Racist
Over in Georgia, a high school principal screwed up the graduation program by leaving off the valedictorian’s speech. When people began to leave, thinking the program as over, the principal took to the stage and ordered people back in their seats.
When they didn’t readily return, she made a fool of herself. She hollered, “Look who’s leaving … all the black people.”
Graduation was pretty much over after that.
She stood by her guns that night but the next day, she decided to apologize.
In a fleeting moment of frustration, “the devil” — and not deep-seated racial prejudice — prompted a Georgia high school principal to make racial remarks at a graduation ceremony on Friday.
Yep, she really did. The devil made her do it.
By email she told the parents, “The devil was in my house and came out of my mouth.”
Hell, even the devil didn’t believe that.
Thanks to chloe bear for the heads up.