The Debate

September 29, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you have a comment about the debate during the debate or shortly thereafter, I will heck every so often and see if any comes need approving.

Bubba and I had chili tonight and made made cookies for a debate snack!


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0 Comments to “The Debate”

  1. Go JOE! KO the loser mofo.
    Maybe Wallace will surprise us and deliver a fair fact checked fight.

    But be damned careful, don’t get sandbagged. This first debate is crucial, any others will be far less important.

    We all like to think that Donnei is an idiot, he’s not. he’s an extremely devious, dangerous, and cunning sonofabitch. Just smart enough to be a major threat.

  2. Your typo is the best! We will all heck!

  3. I’m watching Give Them Hell The Life and Times of Molly Ivans. Seems appropriate. Have several friends who promise to alert me on anything interesting. And will of course check here.

  4. Trump has already turned this into a shitshow.
    Cut his fucking mike, Chris!

  5. Chris Grealy says:

    I’ve been hecking constantly since Rump was elected.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    JJ, was that heckle or check comments, or chuckle. My wife sneaked a peak (muted) and Joe’s facial look was smiling sarcastically 10 minutes in. I cannot watch or listen.

  7. Oh, do go watch! It’s glorious! All the hosts talking earlier were worried about Trump getting under Biden’s skin — that is exactly backwards, and s**ts $ giggles to watch! I seriously doubt Trump will survive the night … think apoplexy, think carried off in a straitjacket — I came up to see liveblogging but I gotta go back & watch more steam come out of the Resident’s ears!

  8. austinhatlady says:

    I tried to listen for about 12 minutes, which is the most I’ve heard of Trump at any single time for over four years. I’ll switch MSNBC coverage back on when the debate is over.

  9. The Astros won the first game. Only thing worth watching tonight. To all those playing a drinking game this “debate” will make you an alcoholic

  10. Trump is talking over Biden and Wallace. He won’t allow Biden to reply without spitting out snarky comments about things they’re not even talking about yet. He’s rude, crude, and lying egregiously about everything. He’s claiming Doc. F said things that are absolutely contrary to anything the Doc actually said. Biden did get a chance to tell him *You’re yappin’ man!* He’s tap dancing on Wallace’s last nerve. He’s claiming “Da best economy in the his’ty of da nation.” He’s taking no responsibility. Wallace wishes he could mute his mike, no doubt. Trump is an asshole with hemorrhoids.

  11. Had to change the channel. Trump is behaving like a complete jerk, talking over Biden and the moderator. He’s a vile, incompetent liar who’s turned the “debate” into a sad joke.

    So disgusting to see what is happening. I remember when debates got contentious but still stuck to answering the questions and candidates behaving with at least a touch of civility. How far we’ve sunk! Trump will continue to make a mockery of what’s left of our democracy until we vote him OUT.

  12. Sara Hochhauser says:

    I lasted 20 minutes then had to shut it off! Chris Wallace needs to use his big boy voice and tell the Donald to shut up. They need to be able to mute his mic.

  13. I only lasted 15 minutes before shutting off the TV and turning the radio to classical music. I also decided to change the bed linens.

  14. I have work problems and I have been emailing and texting regarding them, so I’m kind of distracted. The moderator didn’t do his job in the beginning. He seems to be doing it better now that the debate is nearly over. But Trump and 100 trillion? That should be enough alone to lose him the election. In a rational world.

  15. Next time there needs to be a mute button for the mics and a scrolling fact check in real time.

  16. I must say the moderator did a better job than I had expected from a Fox Entertainment employee.

  17. Low bar, I know.

  18. I couldn’t take more than one hour. Gawd how I hate that orange faced mass murderer!
    Joe called him a “clown”, did well facing the camera and talking to the folks back home.
    He also told baboon lips to “ shut up”.
    In my misspent youth, these two would end up on the barroom floor among the blood and beer. Maybe not, Joe has a sense of decorum that baboon lips lacks.

  19. If there is not a mute button next time, there is no point in having any more of these farcical events.

  20. Mark in Oregon says:

    The term goat rodeo comes to mind.

  21. Joe was not sleepy tonight. Trump shored up the base, but didn’t change the race. Joe probably picked up a few who wanted to see if he could handle Trump. Hard to watch, but good to see.

  22. Yes. CNN just said it was a shitshow. Good call. Or bad call for the country.

  23. Lot’s of talking heads were saying that the debate was a mess and probably turned off voters. It was pretty much what I had hoped for. We new Trump was going to interrupt and attack Joe and Hunter. We knew Trump would not be civil The question was would Joe fight back and not give an inch. I think mission accomplished. With Trump on stage, why would anyone think it would not be a $4!t$40w.

  24. Drumpf just made a Super Fool of himself for all the world to see. I agree that Joe Biden should not have to go through this abuse again without a mute button.

  25. Maybe, since covid has changed things, in the future the debates can be held with the contestants apart like now, and one’s mic will only be on when it’s their turn. The interruptions and talking over are annoying as hell.

  26. We watched the whole thing, though there was little pleasure involved. Joe Biden did what he needed to do. State facts and not lose his cool. Breaking the fourth wall on occasion is a good rhetorical strategy, especially when your opponent is yammering meaningless gibberish. He forced the audience to focus on him and hear his words because he was speaking directly to each one of us.
    Also too, the we may never again see a sitting president called “this clown” to his face on a worldwide venue. It couldn’t have happened to a more appropriate Resident. Hey JJ I know I am loose with my language but did you write what I thought I read today?

  27. IMHO: Joe held his own. The format favored f**king trump.
    Open discussion? Sets up trump for his strength. Gives him the opportunity to dominate the conversation more than he already would. And he did. He was on his A-game. Sandridge pointed out something I’ve mentioned in here as well.
    Fucking trump isn’t stupid. He just proved it.
    But Uncle Joe never never gave up. And never demonstrated submission

  28. Didn’t watch, but the descriptions from Kate Dungan and Bonny sound like exactly what I recall from 2016, so no surprise there. Yes, the moderators need to be able to cut off the Resident’s mike–even when he’s still talking if he’s lying or not making sense.

  29. What a mess! I love Joe and I think he was able to convey his concern and plans for the American people. The orange asshat was an embarrassment. My big question is: who the hell thought donald jr would be a good addition to the evening with his fucking ignorant comments?! George Stephanopoulos should have called him out as soon as jr opened his weasel lips!

  30. Trump creates chaos because he benefits from chaos. He knows if each side can clearly answer the questions, as both candidates agreed to do, he would be a loser. Who won the debate? Who knows when no one could finish a sentence.

    It was an hour and a half of unbridled disruption. A bull and his bullshit in a china shop.

  31. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Debate recap:
    20 minutes til the first drink.
    40 minutes and the second drink.
    1 hour and I wonder how many drinks I’ve had.
    They were big drinks.
    Oh my! I’m out of rum.
    Oh my, my president is an idiot.
    It is the end of the world!
    But it’s OK. There is plenty of vodka.
    да здравствует Путин

  32. van heldorf says:

    IMO, trump knew he could not compete with Biden on normal debate terms. He had to Hillary-ize him thru domination, distraction, changing the subject and ‘apprenticize’ him since he also knew Biden was not going to be able to respond in kind.
    Wallace did not do too bad of a job considering he”s fox based. He tried to admonish trump’s bully tactics but how far could he go considering who he works for?
    trump will likely go again with the same intimidating tactic because that is all he really knows from a lifetime of being raised that way.
    By the way, did I miss their hugs and kisses at the end?

  33. I am embarrassed for our nation. It just doesn’t seem possible that we could elect such a mental case. The man simply could not condemn “White Supremacy” …Stand back and Stand by? Really?

  34. Rick @ 29:
    Well put.

  35. I took one look at that miserable orange baboon and knew i couldn’t do it. I found a live blog instead, and between comments I watched a live cam of a couple of young eagles in their nest. My mental state was improved vastly by watching their mother feed them a fish.

  36. Tedinaustin says:

    We are so glad we watched 3hrs of “Away” and relied on our Late Night TV stalwarts to boil down the apparent shit show which was “Debate #1. Seriously, I know somebody has to watch and report on this BS spewed forth by IQ45, but I had a long tough 47 months at work here and the last thing I need is to hear that blowhard’s voice for even 15 seconds out of any given day!

  37. Vitally necessary equipment for all subsequent “debates” involving Trump will be either a mute button, a dart gun, an electrical shock panel, or some sort of liar-liar-set-his-pants-on-fire mechanism. Most of us learned in kindergarten how to quiet down and take turns, but not this clown. We still badly need an adult in the White House.

  38. Laurel in California says:

    I made it 47 minutes before my little hand-held ekg monitor told me it was time to leave the room. Went back for the last 10 minutes. Watched Rachel M, Joy R, and Nicole W shaking their heads and pointing out that for most women (like me), Caesar Disgustus’s performance was a complete turn-off. I have been fortunate to have dealings with only one man like that, a senior colleague at World’s Most Prestigious Medical School, and he eventually brought on himself his own doom. Mango Mussolini is well on his way to a similar fate.

  39. Quoting Biden, interrupted/talked over the n’th time by Donnei: “Will you SHUT UP— man…”. WTG Joe.
    I let out a whoop and nearly busted my desk chair arm LMAO, my fist still hurts. Don’t think I’ve ever wanted to punch out somebody’s ugly face that much ever before.

    Early on Wallace pissed me off. After Joe Biden had been interrupted/talked over by Trump xx times without moderator admonishment, Biden started to overtalk/correct a yammering Trump.
    Wallace stopped Joe cold. I thought ‘aha, Chris will finally ‘moderate’ things’.
    Wrooonngg. Wallace continued his minimal ‘Trump discipline’ for some time. He did later attempt more aggressive discipline, but the shitshow was already raging full bore.

    BTW, Trump’s terrible physique was in plain sight, the abject obese asshole’s a major medical event waiting to happen… Compare to slim and trim Biden.

    To quote a character on tonight’s “Twilight Zone” [on MeTV]: “…too much mouth, not enough brains…”.
    “and then the dark eternity of all evil men. Mr. Joe Caswell[/AKA DJT], who, when the good Lord passed out a conscience, a heart, a feeling for fellow men, must have been out for a beer and missed out.”

  40. I had two small focus groups going during the debate.

    A friend is building a house at the lake, the framing carpenter stayed late to watch the debate & eat frozen pizza, he’s a semi-Trumper, he left saying, “Trump’s a jackass, I can’t vote for that!” Kevin the carpenter doesn’t pull his punches.

    Small focus group of one from the Ozarks.

    Heard from my second focus group of one! A Republican who informed me that he stopped watching after 30 minutes because Trump was clearly “an unhinged jerk not deserving of a second term.” He’s early voting tomorrow.

    Just two small focus groups but a pattern does seem to be emerging. CNN poll of the debate: Biden 60% Trump 28% – it’s tribal.

  41. I’ve thought for a while that the best thing to do is to have an immaculately dressed US Marine stationed behind Cheeto Mussolini’s chair, armed with a live cattle prod, and he would step forward to briskly apply the prod to the seat of Cheeto’s pants when an act of stupidity occurs.

    Of course, he’d be pretty busy most of the day.

  42. Great deal —‘Shut Up’ tee shirts, masks, etc., for sale [methinks this is going to be a ‘thing’ for a while]:

    A Tennessee Democratic candidate, Christopher J. Hale
    @chrisjollyhale, US House candidate, TN-4, already has a neat Biden theme ‘Shut Up’ tee shirt, mask, etc., for sale on his campaign ActBlue page [with other stuff]. Even have my giant size ;] , alright.

    PS- Hale is running against a real asshole Rethug incumbent, Scott DesJarlais.

    Hale Yes Merchandise, scroll down:

    From comment here:

  43. Youtoob video of Joe Biden’s “Will you SHUT UP— man…”:

  44. charles phillips says:

    I watched 30 seconds of ‘debate,’ and decided my time was better spent elsewhere.


    Sorry for shouting, it was a rough 30 seconds.

  45. Terry Sankey says:

    I watched it ALL, mostly so I would be a “x” when the ratings come out. Wish Chris would have told the orange whatever that it wasn’t a rally and real people were watching. I did get some satisfaction wearing out the mute button.

  46. Brad in Dallas says:

    As the MSNBC team said afterwards, Trump is running against the process, not against Biden. Trump doesn’t want there to be an election, and he’ll gum up the works every way he can.

  47. The talking heads are talking how both were guilty of interrupting. I don’t remember Joe stepping on Trumps allotted talking time, just trying reinterupting to protect his time spots.

  48. Best pre-debate comment I saw was from John Kerry, in response to a NYT remark about “secret earpieces”:
    “You’ll have to inspect a lot lower than the ears to find where the president will be pulling his answers out of tonight.”

  49. panthercityhorn says:

    Due to fear of earworms, the wife and I watched three episodes of Justified last night and have avoided all news/radio/internet mentions of the pissing contest this past eve. Slept like a baby and awoke refreshed, determined to unseat the troll that is Trump.

  50. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Just a little fact check. Didn’t watch but the news here in the Portland area is that Trumpf claimed the Portland area had come out in support of him. Mike Reese immediately called bullshit on that claim. Much of the chaos here is a direct result of Trumpfs rhetoric.
