The Debate

September 29, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you have a comment about the debate during the debate or shortly thereafter, I will heck every so often and see if any comes need approving.

Bubba and I had chili tonight and made made cookies for a debate snack!


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0 Comments to “The Debate”

  1. Anyone still waiting for Donnie to act presidential? Kudos to Joe Biden for staying on stage with the brat for that eternity. The Toddler-in-Thief actually was a bi-polar brat with the ineffectual daddy (Chris Wallace) totally unequipped to cope. When the bully brat act failed to throw Biden, Donnie switched to his other personality, the WATB brat. It was a ping pong match of crazy inside his bratty noggin.

    We didn’t watch any of it, except the excerpts provided by the late night comics. But we stand by our brat analysis. Oh, and yes we’re waiting for the Biden “shut up, man” t-shirts.

  2. Love how quick his team was with making those tee shirts available.

  3. Had to catch as catch can re: the debate this AM. Ws doing way more important work last evening. What I saw on the news this AM was a very tubular orange guy decompensating. Thats a $20 word which means He has lost his mind completely.

  4. Has anyone in the media been talking about how effing useless Chris Wallace was? Why was he even there?

  5. One of my favorite comments on Facebook was “Chris Wallace would make a terrible substitute teacher”.

  6. It’s now 12:30 PM EST on Wednesday and the DOW is up 487 points. Hopefully it is reflecting the idiotic job the Idiot in Chief did in last night’s debate. Perhaps his performance was the last nail needed to close the coffin for good!

    I hope the other debates are not on Tuesday evening. That night is sacred for my wife. NCIS is on at 8 PM. She left it go last evening, but if it happens again, I might have to vacate the my house for a few days.

  7. BillR was asking “Has anyone in the media been talking about how effing useless Chris Wallace was?”

  8. It is obvious that Trump spent his gilded childhood bullying and insulting others without consequences. This behavior has continued into adulthood because his great sense of privilege and entitlement has not been challenged.

    Just once I would like to see him insult someone to their face and get the response he deserves.

  9. Ormond Otvos says:

    I think “Suburban Moms” will be reminded of a i2 year old having a cabin fever tantrum.

    Trump just verbally tweeted and “Rallyed” for ninety minutes.

    I think we now have an insight into all those tirades reported by his “fired” cabinet members and advisors.

  10. Harry Eagar says:

    Jeff A, damn if I know. My stock account is back where it was before the epidemic; that is, all time high.

    If it hadn’t been for the epidemic Trump would be winning in a walk. An interesting moral question: is it worth 300,000 dead Americans to keep America from going fascist?

    Despite my deep contempt for the high command of the armed forces, I find myself hoping that McConville has tasked a reliable colonel to plan for ejecting Trump from the government.

  11. the last wreck I saw which was that bad was at Daytona, maybe Talladega.

  12. Mark in Oregon says:

    Gotta wonder. Is all that Proud Boys merch made in China?

  13. Harry Eagar says:
    An interesting moral question: is it worth 300,000 dead Americans to keep America from going fascist?

    A posthumous medal for each of them wouldn’t be unwarranted.

  14. Late comment here. If you’re on Facebook, search on Wes Kennison from New York. He has a long explanation why trump talked over Biden. The short answer is because it would trigger Joe’s stutter and render him incapable of completing his thoughts. Proving trump’s claims/lies that Joe is senile and unfit. Trump is a cruel bully. Thankfully Joe was able to overcome this tactic.
