The Crack in the Wall?

July 11, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trade War Based On Lies

I just watched a breathtaking exchange on Meet the Press Daily where Mike Rounds, conservative Republican Senator from South Dakota cried uncle to Trump’s trade war.  He said that farmers and ranchers in his state are getting killed by backing out of the TPP and the escalating trade war with China and (former) friends of the US.  US Soybean prices have plummeted and Russia has stepped into US farmers’ shoes exporting to China.  That’s right, kids…the winner so far of the trade war with China is RUSSIA.  What a coinkydink! Oh, BTW, we’ve designed a new MAGA hat for South Dakota farmers:

Anyway, I digress.  Rounds roundly (no pun intended) condemned Trump’s trade war, saying his constituents are loudly complaining.  Is this finally a crack in Trump’s wall?  Are the GOP invertebrates in congress finally growing spines?  We’re a long way from that, but at least we know that Repubs are not all in a coma.

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