I Bet He Speaks Russian, Too

July 11, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The senate just approved a new member of the Department of Justice.

The Senate confirmed President Trump‘s nominee to lead the Justice Department’s Criminal Division despite concerns about his ties to a bank that has come under scrutiny by the FBI.

Senators voted 51-48 to approve Brian Benczkowski to be an assistant attorney general. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) was the only Democratic senator to support the nomination.

Benczkowski has no criminal justice experience.  None.  He would not commit to recuse himself from Russia-related matters if confirmed.  He’s also very close friends with Jeff Sessions.

This crap makes me crazy.  And it makes me wonder how deep the Russian connection is and how the hell long has it been going on?


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0 Comments to “I Bet He Speaks Russian, Too”

  1. “Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) was the only Democratic senator to support the nomination.”

    So how is that strategy of voting for quislings just because they have a D after their name working out?

    This after his daughter showed munchken’s family values by putting profits ahead of sick children with epipen prices to fatten her paycheck.
    After all whats a few dead children compared to another $100K in the pay envelope.
    She learned well at daddy’s knee.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Benczkowski … expletives deleted.

    Yesterday began as a good day with all of the Wild Boars and their coach rescued from the cave in Thailand. Success doesn’t get any better than lives saved. PPP – patience, planning and performance. Bravo Thailand and all who contributed!

    Then the day went to unimagined chaos. Dotard45’s tweets followed by a Congress in disarray. Families and children seeking asylum not reunited despite legal precedence and a COURT ORDER. Tax cuts for the .01% really? For that the snacilbupeR in Congress would destroy NATO, our long history along the US-Canadian border of peace and good will, while allowing Dotard45 to destroy not only OUR economy, but send the economies of our allies into chaos along with any moral authority we’ve worked hard to establish post WWII.

    At what point will Senators and Congress critters realize their life-long protected gerrymandered seats are not worth the mayhem of Donnie, Putin and their crime families?

    If Congress refuses to impeach that moron-in-charge today, we need a new Congress. Vote 2018!

    Our Senate & House snacilbupeR put lipstick on the pig of plutocracy. Non-binding resolutions to support NATO is mealy mouthed BS, particularly after Mitch McTurdle openly said with media tape rolling that he would not advise Dotard45 to have witnesses when he meets Putin. Given Donnie’s self-proclaimed unwitnessed ‘success’ with Kim Jong-Un, oh yeah let’s repeat that avenue of insanity with Putin.

    As for Messy and Javanka, when the pitchforks prevail in the streets, what happened to their Romanov predecessors should appear as a picnic.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    K, fwiw, I’d “exchange” Manchin, Heitkamp and other Blue Dogs for people of conscience. We do have remedies such as donating directly to progressive candidates thereby bypassing the DNC and their corporate anointed ones.

    2016 should have been a lesson for the DNC. Right or wrong Hilz had baggage beyond what any bilge tank could swallow. Albeit when the choice came down to Hilz or the Orange Foolius, I voted Hilz. But it was “enough” .. done with triangulating candidates and poor choices.

    Surprise to the two party system. Let the success of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defeating incumbent Joe Crowley be a lesson to the DNC. She also won as a write-in over Rep. Jose E. Serrano in District 15 despite not campaigning there.

    No news flash to Progressives and Greens. People want change, a path to a sustainable future. Obama ran on hope and change, stifled by Mitch McConnell and other traitors. People wanted change so bad that some of them were duped into voting for kleptocratic fraud Donnie.

    Message to the DNC and RNC – you are done. Citizens United cannot protect you, the Koch Brothers and your other corporate sponsors.

  4. RepubAnon says:

    When Bernie changed parties at the last minute and almost won, it should have been a signal that the old way of winning was no longer working.

    It’s like cavalry charges – they worked until machine guns were invented. Triangulation worked in one (1) election – last millennium. Like the Maginot Line, it doesn’t work in today’s world.

  5. Trianglation is working for the thuglicans in congress as long as these thuglicrats such as munchkin can keep conning the dnc and d’s in general that a failed thuglican as candinate is better then a successful progressive.
    look at Il and lipinski who with the power of incumbancy and the dnc’s backing holds onto a liberal seat even though he is anti choice, anti healthcare, pro gun/murder lobby and the list goes on.
    As long as these vipers are nurtured and protected by the powers that be in the D camp we will never move the agenda forward.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    k, fwiw ITA with many of your points. It’s absurd to waste money on those in Congress who vote against “we the people.”

    Allow the Blue Dog traitors to sink or swim, when the money can be better spent supporting better candidates.

    My family is comprised of Independents who over the generations voted for FDR, JFK, LBJ (with reservations), Obama, and Hilz (with nose plugs.) No way any in my family history would have aligned/registered as Democrats, when the secessionist racist Dixiecrats were a part of the party.

    However, post Hilz, if the DNC wants our votes, they need to do better than “Republicons are awful.” We all know that. Time to step forward with Democratic candidates who understand democracy, trade, education, medicine and honest national security, for starters.

    Dumbass Dotard is criticizing NATO members for education and healthcare while raising the agreed upon achievable bar of 2% GDP in 2024 to 4%. It has never crossed that moron’s mind to place the Pentagon on a descending diet, until they learn to live on less than 20% GDP.

  7. Old but Slow says:

    I never give to the DNC, I send my cash to candidates and sometimes to initiatives and such. Nothing for committees, PAC’s, and parties. If I like what a prospect is saying, they get the gelt (such as it is).

    And that goes double after Wasserman-Shultz (sp?).

  8. maryelle says:

    A pox be upon Joe Manchin for his treachery, but we must pound him with calls and emails demanding that he stand up and be a Democrat on the SCOTUS vote. Same for Donnelly, Heitkamp and McCaskill.

  9. Jon Bauman says:

    Looking forward to your treatment of Louie Gomert’s vicious attack on the FBI agent and Trump’s hiring of disgraced Fox News ex president who covered up Roger Ailes sexual harassment.
