The Buckeye State: High and Hungry
Well, you have to admit that it would be the perfect cover for drug runners.
Police in Tennessee, in a black SUV and in full body armor, pulled over an elderly couple because they had a marijuana (or so the cops thought) bumper sticker on their car. In fact it was a buckeye leaf – the couple are Ohio State Buckeye fans. The cops then ordered the couple to remove the bumper sticker, even though the woman had already explained it was a buckeye, not marijuana.
Now, through the miracle of modern investigative journalism, I searched the Tennessee criminal code to see what laws were being broken by having a picture of marijuana on your car.
Well, glory be. At least that’s still legal in Tennessee. It’s against the law to require your children to pick up trash along the highway on Easter in Tennessee, but by gawd, you can display pictures of marijuana or buckeyes, dammit.
Thanks to Carl for the heads up.