The Best Things You’ve Heard Today

March 27, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Open door.  Come on in and tell us the best things you’ve heard today.  Thank you Fenway Fran!

Be social and share!

0 Comments to “The Best Things You’ve Heard Today”

  1. fenway fran says:

    Former Secretary of State John Kerry said Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) “tested positive for being an asshole” after he opposed the Senate-passed coronavirus stimulus bill and threatened to call for a roll call vote on it in the House.

    “Breaking news: Congressman Massie has tested positive for being an asshole. He must be quarantined to prevent the spread of his massive stupidity. He’s given new meaning to the term #Masshole. (Finally, something the president and I can agree on!),” Kerry, who represented Massachusetts in the Senate, said in a tweet on Friday.

    Kerry’s comments were in response to a tweet from President Trump, who criticized Massie for stalling the bill, calling him a “third rate Grandstander.”

  2. My grocery store actually accepted my order for food delivery! Means immuno-compromised me, can avoid going out the grocery store. So I will have milk, eggs and other fresh items on my door door steps soon. Yay!

  3. Wyatt_Earl says:

    Fenway Fran beat me to it.

    Massie is my congressman. To go with Rand Paul and McConnell as my senator.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    # StockpilingWhilePeopleAreDying – the IQ4.5* maladministration motto

    Remember Republicons want power more than anything. Call or e-mail them. They can hang individually or they can hang collectively; now is the time for them to decide. #Impeach45

  5. FrauFree says:

    Fenway Fran beat me to it too!!

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    Poor you Wyatt Earl – and Fenway Fran, you’re right! Long line at HEB so I went across the street to Rice Market and got a freshly made loaf of bread! Smells so good!

  7. My daughter managed to sell her house and but a new one!!!
    And I spoke to my 4 YO grandson today.
    He showed me his batman umbrella.
    Thank God for video chatting!

  8. I’m getting so much accomplished in and around my home, I’m going to start calling this period in time:

    The Infinite Weekend

  9. Got advice to lay off the Iboprofen and stick only to Tylenol. It apparently makes the coronvirus worse.

    This goes along with the policy when I was in rehab for back surgery. They would not give me Ibuprofen at all because they said it could delay healing, and they only gave me Tylenol.

    I put the video on my Facebook page if you want to learn more about it.

    (I guess it’s not the best thing I’ve heard today, but it is an important thing to know.)

  10. Kenneth Fair says:

    My uncle Dale sent me this email from an artist friend of his:

    Hey Dale,

    Hope you are all well. Hunkered down. Not much work coming in. I’m starting a painting, Picasso-esque style painting of Lake Eola and fountain. Got a couple more planned.

    Heard some positive info from a Dr. on TV saying in this time of Coronavirus staying at home we should focus on inner peace. To achieve this we should always finish things we start and we all could use more calm in our lives. I looked through my house to find things I’d started and hadn’t finished. I found a painting that wasn’t finished. So I set up my studio to finish the painting. Along the way I found a bottle of Merlot so I finished it off, I finish off a bottle of Champagne, a bodle of. Baileys, a budle of wum, tha mainder of Valiumum srciptuns an a box a chchocletz. Yu haf no idr how feckin fablus I feel rite now. Sned this to all who need inner piss. An telum u luvum . An two hash yer wands, day stafe avrybobby.!!!!

  11. Carlos Correa and Lance McCullers from the Astros treated the Methodists Hospital nurses to lunch.

  12. Katherine says:

    I’m going to be a grandma!

  13. Kate Dungan says:

    My daughter scored a can of baking power at Trader Joes! Now I can bake. ( HEB has been out for two weeks and there’s none to be found in this town. ) I also got half of my very large back yard raked, pruned and mowed and it looks perfect! Tomorrow, cleaning up under the huge pecan tree! Oh boy!

  14. Aggieland Liz says:

    Thank you Mr Kenneth Fair, that was fun!

    Here’s mine, sent it to my granddaughter. She’ll be 3 in June, and LOVES this little bit of fun idiocy. I totally missed it when it came out, my grown kids had to clue me in, sigh.

    At the other end of the spectrum, I had to go to Lowe’s to
    get parts for a project. I’m an essential services provider in my county, and while it may not be essential, the project will make things much safer for my darling little 80 yr old client. BTW, she is inside and I am outside.

    You would not have the slightest idea that our county is under a shelter in place order. The parking lot was packed and there were people everywhere. Does anyone know who started the canard that you’re safe if you’re outdoors?? And most people don’t have a clue what 6 feet is in actual space. Even with exes marked on the ground. A little scary for this cancer in remission as of Feb 5 gal!! Wash your hands!!

  15. Buttermilk Sky says:

    A 101-year-old man in Italy is recovering from COVID-19. Cent’anni!

  16. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Great Texas Monthly story on how H-E-B prepares for emergencies and the planning they started in JANUARY for he virus.

  17. Cheryl Jean Johns says:

    Too bad HEB was not the one in charge of the US, rather than the Orange Doofus

  18. @Katherine. Congratulations. Grandkids are your reward for not killing your teenagers

  19. dobleremolque says:

    “Good job,” from my wife as I’ve used the stay-at-home time to make it so I don’t have to look 5 places in the house any more, to find a screwdriver.

  20. Susan Crites says:

    I read where one of the big hospitals in New York asked people who have had but gotten well from the coronavirus to donate plasma for an experiment to see if their new antibodies can help patients who are very sick.

    They got 500 volunteers. In the FIRST HOUR!

  21. Jane & PKM says:

    Susan Crites, thank you for that news and restoration of humanity.

    Reminder to those who can and do, blood donation is critical. With social distancing and staying home, blood supplies are low. Credit to our United Blood Service for their call system and appointments that save time and provide safety from crowding. Love the plasma 2 pint option; better chance of surpassing Dad’s 5 gallon+ contribution sooner. Dad never ceases to amaze or challenge us to do better.

    For anyone looking for education and useful entertainment google agroecology. Happy reading!

  22. good thing
    Android has finally followed Apple with exiling Alex jones app from there app store.
    Deplatformed again.
    Now that is a small ray of sunshine.

  23. crazy quilter says:

    Almost finished a quilt I started 8 years ago. Just need to put the binding on it.

  24. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Did the video thing with my west coast daughter last night, and got the bugs worked out so I can start teletherapy with my clients on Monday. Hooray for new technology!

    Got the oil changed in the tractor today – we’ll try to get the bush hog off and the tiller on tomorrow so I can actually have the garden I’ve been asking for for 5 years…and the sweet onions I’ve planted in a flat have started coming up.

    Other than the Russian Asset in the White House, life is good.

  25. Rep Katie Porter is recovering from illness, tested negative for COVID-19, and has told Speaker Pelosi she would like to be on the committee to oversee how Mnuchin/Drumpf spend our money. Says a committee needs to be set up now and get to work this weekend. Love, love, love that woman.

    Also, I finally painted the inside of our front door, covering the horrible paint job with a lovely warm brown. Been meaning to get to that for months. Next, the kitchen walls!

  26. Jerry #24. My friend in Ohio gave an outdoor concert on flute on her patio. She said many walked by or stopped to listen. Sorry no video. Oh, and she had a small stack of rolls of TP with a sign to take one if you need it. 🙂

  27. Bette Davis is on in Now Voyager.

  28. The Surly Professor says:

    i’ve lost my retinue of grad students displaced from campus housing, so now it’s back to just my wife and I in our house. The university here finally realized it was safer for the community to provide housing for students who cannot go home for one reason or another. Plus I was advising some of the displaced to pack a suitcase and then show up at the university president’s house for a room … and made sure to cc him on each email recommending it.

    On the minus side, I was just about to bust out the paint cans and brushes and use the free labor to spruce up the place. Now i have to do it myself. [OK, just joking. Using students for labor under coercion is a step too far even for me].

    Also: mowing your lawn, Kate Dungan? I’m jealous – around here the lawns are still dirty brown, with mud on the side.

  29. slipstream says:

    Surly Professor: my lawn is pristine white, with moose tracks.

  30. Sharon Greiff says:

    Finally convinced my 83 year old dad that he needs some sort of chrome book – the cell phone ain’t cutting it! Any suggestions? I won’t do apple cause I don’t know apple. Something simple that I can set up for him and it would be great to have video call capabilities

  31. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Sharon #32, I know you said you don’t know apple…neither do I (we’re a PC house with a droid phone for me and a flip phone for my spousal unit). But when I decided to go ahead and get a tablet, my daughter talked me into a mini Apple tablet, and I have to say it’s super easy! It took me about 5 minutes to learn how to use it, with her showing me. I’m 68, not 83, but it might work, especially if the Apple folks take off the unnecessary programs (my daughter did that for me).

  32. Sandridge says:

    Sharon Greiff @32, Check out, especially their various sale and ‘deal’ sections [esp. like the daily “Shellshocker” sale page].
    Newegg has thousands of pc, laptop, tablet and chromebook [I wouldn’t have one meself] devices, most at good price discounts, many at great sale prices.
    Take your time looking, figure out the better options and equipage [screen size/resolution, memory, proc speed, wifi specs, USB ports, etc], then carefully compare several ideal models.
    Some tabs/cbs come equipped with telephony/mobile data [SIM card] capability, but this is tricky wrt which wireless provider/plan you choose. Some have both mobile/SIM and wifi, some only one or the other [usually the wifi].
    If y’all already have a home ISP internet provider [cable, fiber, sat, or smartphone hotspot], most likely giving your internet service over a local/home wifi connection, that’s the option to choose. Unless the device will travel, then a wifi/mobile device might be better.

    PS: A tip for y’all– Verizon has a fairly new subsidiary MNVO mobile phone service provider [budget prepaid], branded “Visible”, that has about the best true unlimited service plan I’ve found, with an unlimited hotspot included.
    All for a flat all-inclusive $40/mo [or less w/PartyPlan].
    I just got one for the hotspot feature mostly, for my computer internet connection, which is the best ISP available out here in the boonies [no cable, etc.; our telco, Frontier, just recently offered an overpriced DSL service].

  33. Sandridge says:

    slipstream @31, Behind cutting on my lawns, they have some weeds & cacti reaching 1-1/2-2 feet now, in this rainy 90deg+ [yearround] climate; usually arid, but in a rainy spell. Inhabited by deer, racoon, possums, skunks, and barncats, etc.
