The Best

May 30, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

R. L. “Dirt” Janochek and I often disagree about philosophical things.

For example, we disagree about which American publication writes the best headlines.

I say Vanity Fair and Dirt says Esquire.

Today, Dirt won.



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0 Comments to “The Best”

  1. Mike Walsh says:

    Wow, great headline and a really good read! Thanks for the link.

  2. That is a truly fantastic headline. My only wish for the rest of Thursday is that somehow, some way, Trump reads it.

  3. Examples of issues that have been cause of headlines in the past but in the era of demented donnie barely get mentioned
    1) worst mississippi basin flooding since 1927. Remember ongoing headlines from flooding during Clinton admin.
    2) Ebola crisis in Africa Remember scare headlines frrom Obama era?
    3) Super typhoons/cyclones in East Phillipine sea and India.
    And thes are just natural disasters off the top of my head.

  4. That’s crazy. I actually had that thought after reading a CNN story on my lunch break. In the age of the Golgothan, what do we call it when he tells more outrageously easy to disprove lies in a matter of minutes than most presidents did in their entire tenure?
    But the Esquire guy’s right . We’ve got to do something to break through the fog of exhaustion people have about this. It’s become just more crap a lotta people don’t wanna have to think about any more. It’s a normal coping mechanism IMHO. They just dismiss it as the new normal, or ignore it until it goes away.
    The problem is that everything happening now is destroying the institutions and norms of our society, our democracy that would be the very things to return us to normalcy when this malignant narcissist trying his best to become a dictator is finally given the boot.
    Precedent is a big concept in our legal system.
    And this ain’t a good one.
    It’ll probably be awhile until this goes away. And the longer it takes to interrupt it, the more the chance of it being a permanent state of affairs.

  5. megasoid says:

    We be taking care of business… EVERY DAY.

    If you ever get annoyed
    look at me I’m self employed
    I love to work at nothing all day

    USS McCain: T-Shirts, coffee mugs, underwear, golf shirts, magnets and trucker hats for that special someone for each and every day. Motto: Fortune Favors the Brave

    motto: Bone Spurs Comforts The Coward

  6. Sandridge says:

    OT, But our Dear Leader Genius has just slapped a 5% tariff on all Mexican imports, and it will ratchet up an additional 5% on the 1st of every month thereafter, until Mexico stops illegal immigration into the USA. A policy ‘stroke of genius’ guaranteed to end the ‘Obama boom economy’ in a few months time.

    Anybody with more than a dozen functioning brain cells knows what such an action will have on the stock and bond markets, both economies, the auto and many other industries, consumer prices on hundreds of items, and many other sectors.

    If this massive stupidity isn’t reversed by tomorrow noon, look for the DJIA [and other market indices] to have massive declines. I’ll estimate a Dow freefall of more than a 1000 points by closing; and Monday will be even worse. Watch your 401k’s, etc., wither away.

    SOBOTUS will have his ‘Wall’, a Wall Street meltdown worse than W’s in 2008.
    It might actually be a good thing, trumping the US [and Mexican] economies, if it finally drives the Orange Menace from the WH.

  7. charles phillips says:

    Sandridge, rolled my 401(k) into a Vanguard bond fund two years ago, and the value has held so far. Munis and treasuries typically go up when the market goes in the tank.

  8. Sandridge says:

    charles phillips, if the ‘Murikan economy finally gets trumped [rhymes with f*cked] with this move, everything is headed for the basement [imo].
    Of course the Mango Moron will probably either postpone this or walk it back when it sinks in the public consciousness by afternoon.

    Should have mentioned that the ‘5%/mo tariff ratcheting’ caps at 25%. Just imagine a 25% price hike on most of your fruits and veggies, vehicles and parts, many appliances, electronics, glass, cement, etc. [domestic product prices will also rise in concert].
    Just another big effective tax increase for the ‘little people’.

    Meanwhile, a study finds that Twittering makes you measurably stupider. Now you know…killing brain cells in 180 character chunks.

  9. Trump would love to be a martyr and he is working hard towards that goal.

  10. The author of that piece, Charles P. Pierce, writes terrific articles several times a day on Esquire’s website. It’s worth the $1.99 a month to subscribe to his political commentary.

  11. Ooops, my bad. That was Jack Holmes who also writes great political commentary. Either way, you can’t go wrong with subscribing. I follow both of them.

  12. @TexasTrailerParkTrash #10
    I agree about Charles Pierce but since Esquire is serving as part of the Facebook data vacumning operation by hosting all comments on a facebook page that requires one to give a blanket permission for facebook to do a digital colonscopy of anyone stupid enough to sign on to it I refuse.
    If facebook had a claues requiring positive permission from user before any data was sold or transferred in any way with a mimimun of $100K fine for every data point that facebook releases ( every letter of name is a data point so a name like john Doe would cost them $800K just for the name -7 letters and one space 8) then maybe but until then NO

  13. Zyxomma says:

    Wonkette has the best headlines, every single day.
