Crime and Vacations Do, In Fact, Mix

May 30, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Former Members of Congress are different from you and me.  They get to take vacations while awaiting trial on corruption charges.

Look toward North Carolina and squint because you don’t want to get too much of this in your eyes.

Robin Hayes, the current chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party and a former congressvarmint, was indicted earlier this month trying to help a wealthy political donor in a convoluted corruption scheme intended to influence a state regulator whose department has oversight of the donor’s company.

We’re talking $150,000 here.  And the local newspaper says this is going to be a tough trial for Hayes to come out exonerated.

But here’s the kicker.  Hayes wants his passport returned from authorities who took it before setting his bond so he can go on a long-planned July vacation with his family.  See the PDF here.

Because, you know, all that crime gets very tiresome.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Crime and Vacations Do, In Fact, Mix”

  1. megasoid says:

    Warning: Flight Risk Danger. They don’t have any of those upscale minimum security Manafort chalets in NC. only the Cool Hand Luke, leg iron chain gang, road construction types.

    Edit: …and that he travel only in the Western District of North
    Carolina, Middle District of North Carolina, Eastern District of North Carolina, or the District of
    South Carolina, or otherwise as approved by the Office of Probation and Pretrial Services.
    3. Mr. Hayes now seeks the temporary return of his passport for the purpose of conducting previously planned, personal travel with his family outside of the United States
    between the dates of July 7, 2019 and July 12, 2019

  2. charles phillips says:

    Well, waa, waa, WAA! Post a 5 million dollar bond and vacation where you like. It would be worth the price to a.) get him out of the state, and b.) if he were dumb enough to skeedaddle, the people of North Carolina would be pleased with his donation.

  3. twocrows says:

    Raise your hand if you think he’d come back from that vacation.

    Yeah, me neither.

  4. Usually it is the court that orders the confiscation of a passport. Now, if the judge has a match handy . . .

  5. jack smith says:

    really, no passport, give it back , and hopefully he runs with it,
    forever away from our country…
