That’ll Be $64. Thank You For Calling City Hall.

March 15, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mayor Tim Collision of Langley, Washington, got himself into a snit with the local newspaper over the sanctuary city ordinance.

In what seems to some like a little ole retribution against the newspaper, the mayor emailed the newspaper a bill for talking to the city attorney.  Mayor Tim claimed that the city should not have to pay the city attorney to talk to reporters.

Well that floated like a cement submarine and the mayor made national headlines for being a horse’s patootie.

So, he changed his dance and decide that it was all a joke and that he was just trying to make a point.  You know, and the point is that he’s a jerk.  He proved it well.

On March 8, the mayor left a voice mail recording on a reporter’s cell phone asking for the newspaper’s billing address so he could send an invoice to The Record for time a reporter spent speaking with the city attorney. The reporter called Callison back shortly after. The mayor reiterated his request for the newspaper’s billing address and remarked that the attorney’s time isn’t free.

The following day, he emailed The Record a copy of the city’s invoice with the following statement: “Pleas [sic] find attached the bill for contacting the City’s Attorney on February 9, 2017. Please remit the amount of $64 to the City.

So now he’s saying that all this was just to make a point that the city attorney isn’t free.

Nice try, Mr. Mayor.  I hear Sean Spicer is looking for a back-up dancer.


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