Heads Up

March 14, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Tuesday night 9:11 pm Texas time

Who else thinks Trump leaked the tax return?


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  1. I agree. So we can see how much he pays in taxes. What a good boy am I! I hope it backfires.

  2. I do too. It telegraphs his lack of ethics. Without the Alt. Min. Tax he would have only paid 3.5 meg on 150 meg income. His tax plan eliminates Alt.Min.Tax

  3. Fenway Fran says:

    Yep. Right on. He found a selective year that would pass muster, and let that one leak. Like someone else who didn’t want to release his tax returns.

  4. I suspect Trump leaked because the returns are for 2005. Why would a legitimate leaker pick that year instead of something more current?

    We need to see a series of years. And we need to see current ones so we can look for a Russian connection.

  5. weakgrip says:

    At the bottom left of the second page is “client copy”.

  6. That was my first thought when I saw the date.

  7. Comey testifies tomorrow, Trumpcare stinks so badly that even the self aggrandizing Cheeto in Chief doesn’t want his name on it, and yet another one of his minions has been linked to Russia. AARP set to roll with the news that in addition to booting 24 million people off of insurance, Social Security outlays will drop by $3 bill under Trumpcare. It’s dropping because the uninsured die younger.

    He needs a distraction so he spewed this to get one thinking that no one will notice that the reason he’s going after the alternative minimum tax is to save his own sorry hindquarters!

  8. He probably had to go back to 2005 to find a return even somewhat legitimate.

  9. slipstream says:

    Don’t be silly. President Obama hacked the camera in Trump’s microwave and took images of the tax return.

  10. I think Deb is spot on. The tax returns are a distraction to pull our attention away from something else. Now we just need to figure out which of the many “something elses” he is trying to distract us from.

  11. Tilphousia says:

    Now Slipstream, be reasonable. The microwave wouldn’t have access to returns. It had to be the toilet seat. You just can’t trust a toilet seat, cause what else knows all his s**t?

  12. Oh look ———-> a shiny squirrel.

  13. If he didn’t arrange for the leak, then something else is very fishy. The WH substantiated that release, even while calling it illegal.

    So…Trump arranging a “press event” that he thinks shows him in positive light–very consistent with his past behaviors (alter ego as a PR guy for him). Trump allowing the WH response (in short turn around) to verify the documents as true totally out of character unless he was involved in the arrangement.

    I mean, I don’t believe the person who can respond to the request on information actually has access to his tax records. I seriously doubt the client copy of the old returns are even in the White House.

  14. It is looking more and more like it was trump who leaked it…there is no real downside of doing that…What we have seen, confirms that trump is a crook, and needs closer examination…we need his business taxes…the personal taxes are not as informative, about the Sources of the income…that is the key to this whole russian/trump love fest…

  15. This is well known behavior for Cheeto Jesus. I’ll guarantee he leaked 2005 because it’s the only return in the last 20 where he paid taxes.

  16. Malarkey says:

    @Star said, “I seriously doubt the client copy of the old returns are even in the White House.”

    Melania leaked it!!!!!

  17. treehugger says:

    Yep. He did or he instructed one of his minions to leak it. I consider Melania a minion. It’s hard to care about a tax return from 12 years ago. I agree with others that it was likely the last year he paid taxes. And re: Trumpnocare, I’ve heard reports that older Americans who earn around $25,000 a year would end up having to pay OVER HALF THEIR YEARLY INCOME on health insurance. We have a death panel, alright, and its members are seated in the White House and Congress.

  18. Jane & PKM says:

    Clank! The sound of the shiny bait being thrown out attached to a grappling hook. That is what passes for subtlety in Donnie World. Perhaps we should treat Feckless Leader to an equal amount of subtlety. When attempting to communicate with Dork45, send scrolls attached to a flaming arrow delivered by a crossbow. #MakeAPointWithDonnie

    Fix the ACA by expanding Medicare to cover the 55-65 age group that appears to have the biggest gap in lack of affordable health care. Preventative health care would save millions in Medicare costs if the uncovered sector didn’t arrive at the magic number 65 with a backlog of health issues due to lack of health care.

    For the “I don’t need no stinking insurance” anti-ACA population, not a problem. No mandates for you. Hope you don’t mind that the next time you ski into a tree, shoot yourself in the knee or whatever st00pid you can foresee that you are prepared to have that bill for medical care hung around your neck for the rest of your life or until you pay it. Conservatives are fond of saying “no free lunches,” so fine, quit mooching.

  19. Mary Smith says:

    Yup, he leaked it. Even the guy he leaked it to thinks is possible. I think it’s highly probable.

  20. It was Malaria. I mean Melania.

  21. maryelle says:

    Leaking just the 2 page summary is self-serving. It’s the additional pages which contain the sources of the income, the list of charitable deductions, foreign sources of income and loss and much more. He approved the leak and now will insist on an investigation into who did it. More distraction and wasted taxes.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    Drumpf’s WH and family is jumping for joy because they think the return proves Drumpf pays his taxes.

    Fortune Magazine seems to think Drumpf under reported his 2005 income by as much as 3.5 mil-again.


  23. charles phillips says:

    As soon as Rachel held up the two sheets of paper, I knew Trump or a lackey was behind it. Just the summerizing 1040 and sent so covertly? They were Rathered.

  24. Jane & PKM says:

    This should be fun. The snacilbupeR Revolution against Dolt45 aptly scheduled for the Ides of March (today). http://fwact.org/9XNASfy

    May the backstabbing rise above the metaphoric and begin in earnest.

  25. charles phillips says:

    The key question should not be “did he,” but “why did he?”
    Did he leak it strictly to distract, or was that only part of it?

    I think distraction was the secondary goal. The primary goal was to “Rather” MSNBC like they did CBS. “See? The media can’t be trusted.”

  26. Jane & PKM says:

    charles phillips, you’re probably correct on both counts, sir. While that may ‘work’ with Dolt45’s collection of loyal deplorable, the rest of us aren’t buying.

    What MSNBC, Dr. Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell in particular, have been doing is a simple connect the dots with all the evidence that has been a matter of public record for years. Facts are facts that no amount of spin and ‘alternative’ facts can detour.

    Speaking of fun facts, remember 666 Jared House? Keeping with the family tradition of conflict of interest, Jared is trying to score some major cash from the Chinese. Could be why Rexxon is over there now, to act as bagman for the cash. http://crooksandliars.com/2017/03/more-kleptocracy-jared-kushner-trump-son

  27. Marcia in CO says:

    Evidently the Orange A-hole in DC is trying to abolish whatever provision it is in the Tax Laws that caused him to have to actually pay ANY taxes in 2005!! So he thinks everything should absolutely be FREE for him!! No Taxes, No Problem for him … too bad about the rest of you!!
    Why is he still breathing?

  28. e platypus onion says:

    Heads up! Congressmen Devin Nunes (R) and Adam Schiff (D) held a press conference today to announce that there is “no evidence” that Trump’s ‘wiretapping’ claims against Barack Obama are true.

    You’re going to hear those words again and again: “no evidence.” It’s a polite (and why are we being polite?) way to say Trump’s either lying or crazy.

  29. Jane & PKM says:

    e platypus onion, prepare for intense Gish gallop and gaslighting. Obviously the ‘evidence’ against President Obama is buried deep in the pile of Punter Chaffetz’ manure seek and go find nothing committee. Benghazi!!!!! We’ll keep digging until we discover something or die.

    The House snacilbupeR are on the scent: http://syrianperspective.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Photo-Wile-E.-Coyote-Rocket.jpg

  30. Oldymoldy says:

    I do! It’s pretty much no news. It doesn’t tell us much and it distracted a hell of a lot of people from the rest of the crap that he’s been doing recently. Especially going to jail for libel against President Obama. Not to mention we have no idea whether there’s even the scrap of truth on it.

  31. Oldymoldy says:

    What Star said…exactly!

  32. oldymoldy says:

    What sort of sense would it make for a person who suddenly found himself with access to the tax returns to decide to release these four pages with virtually no info that pertinent to the “tax return” question.

    I’d of loved to have been a fly on the wall during the negotiations to see how they were going to make this happen.

    These folks are digging deeper and deeper every day!

  33. How do we know this is even real? It wouldn’t be the first faked document to be leaked. Any one remember the Kenyan birth certificate, W.’s national guard drill record, or the Nixon’s tapes transcripts. With the alternative facts dished out by SCROTUS we may never be sure.
    Twenty-five point three tree percent not bad for 150 mil. a lot of folks making 50 to 60 thousand pay that rate.
    Do you think der Donald would have gone back to that firm to have his taxes prepared in the future?

  34. oldymoldy says:

    I just re-read the Post article of last year, posted by James Cargas,


    It just reiterates the foolishness and buffoonery this guy has practiced and gotten away with all his life, and now he’s dragged it into the Whitehouse and is making fools of all of us. He really must be called on the carpet and done away with!

  35. Lots of guffawing at Rachel being “taken” by this shiny new object. But if you wanted to see it you had to listen to her detailed review of the Russia connections. Well played, Dr. Maddow.

  36. charles phillips says:

    And…cue the clowns; http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/donald-trump-jr-tweets-thanking-rachel-maddow-for-tax-returns

    Any doubt who leaked those 1040’s? Team Trump.

  37. Donna Wade, I have a boatload of maternal, Iowa-based relatives named “Wade.” Any connection?

  38. Orange Whore picked one that looked less crooked and more clean. No Orange Whore. It’s not gonna work. We’re coming after your tax returns and your crooked ass.

  39. Why do dogs chase their tails? Serious question. That entire bunch in the Oval Office is just parsecs away from eating off their own fingers and toes. Crooked and crazy!

  40. charles phillips says:

    maggie, they are a bit closer than that, say, microns.

  41. WA Skeptic says:

    A bit OT, but:

    Happy 84th birthday, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

    Keep up the good work!!

  42. two crows says:

    April 15 is coming and reporters have begun asking if he will release his 2016 returns — and now his [very thin] excuse about their being under audit won’t hold even the amount of water it did last time — BECAUSE HIS 2016 TAXES ARE NOT UNDER AUDIT and won’t be until they’ve been reviewed!

    Chickens coming home to roost and he’s trying to get the coop cleaned out before that happens.
    Sorry, too late.

    So NOW his 2005 return [well 2 pages of it anyway] comes out? Seriously?
    [Jfwiw — before I retired, I had a private practice. My tax returns regularly ran from 8 – 10 pages — for an income that amounted to tens of thousands of dollars per year. How long do you think the taxes of someone who makes what 45 makes are likely to be? 25 pages? 40? And we got 2 pages? Yep, I wouldn’t be surprised if he hand delivered them hisownself.]

    This guy just can’t get it right. Not never – not nohow. And he’s president. God help us.

    P.S. “Crooked Hillary” released her tax returns from the 1970’s onward. Who’s he calling crooked?
