That was Just Awful

July 30, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election

I have this sinking feeling that the Dems are really going to blow it.  They’re going to lose to the worst president in US history because the DNC is leading the candidates over a cliff with the idiots at CNN giving an assist by running tonight’s debate like it’s some kind of lightning round for a grand prize of a Hillary 2016 T-shirt.  Holy Jesus, what a shit show.  It was like a pop quiz for some Bible verse memorization contest.  If the DNC thinks this kind of bullshit will engage new voters – well, we’re screwed.  Just screwed.

I tried finding a movie to watch after the flag waving at the beginning, but ran back across it, glued to it by becoming so appalled that, like a car accident on the freeway, I just couldn’t look away.  It was worse than the freeway car accident, like that slow fire that starts under the hood that nobody can extinguish; you KNOW what’s going to happen in the end.  We’re doomed; doomed.  I can only hope that the adults tomorrow night do better, but with the morons moderating playing speed questions, I fear it will be Shit Show 2 of Round Two of the series of Shit Shows.

I have no words.


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