Thanks to Republicans, We Have Another New Unit of Measurement

September 06, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Republicans gave us the unit measurement called  Scaramucci.  It means 9 or 10 days, the time Scaramucci served in the White House.

Y’all, I think we have a new one.

California Republican Congressfool Duncan Hunter has been charged with 60 counts of misuse of campaign funds.  There’s more to the story …

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) allegedly spent campaign cash on affairs with five separate individuals, according to prosecutors who reportedly claim to have photographic evidence.

So, now when we talk about how many times the family values people screw around, we will have the Duncan Measurement.  Like, “Well, he’s only half a Duncan right now but I think he’s shooting for a full Duncan.”

Thank you, Republicans.


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