Thanks to Republicans, We Have Another New Unit of Measurement

September 06, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Republicans gave us the unit measurement called  Scaramucci.  It means 9 or 10 days, the time Scaramucci served in the White House.

Y’all, I think we have a new one.

California Republican Congressfool Duncan Hunter has been charged with 60 counts of misuse of campaign funds.  There’s more to the story …

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) allegedly spent campaign cash on affairs with five separate individuals, according to prosecutors who reportedly claim to have photographic evidence.

So, now when we talk about how many times the family values people screw around, we will have the Duncan Measurement.  Like, “Well, he’s only half a Duncan right now but I think he’s shooting for a full Duncan.”

Thank you, Republicans.


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0 Comments to “Thanks to Republicans, We Have Another New Unit of Measurement”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Yet the putz threw his wife under the bus claiming she was responsible for their finances. While many of the snacilbupeR wives appear to be long suffering Stepford Wives, do ya actually think they write the checks to support the extra curriculars?

  2. I really don’t want to see the photographic proof

  3. Another new measure for The Duncan:

    Double double dipping, and a half.

  4. While I normally sympathize with the crooked politician’s spouse, this particular spouse belongs under the bus. She was fully aware of where the money she helped squander was coming from. And she even came up with cool suggestions how to falsely report items so they could be claimed as campaign expenses.

    The Hunters’ marriage may be trashed, but they were very compatible partners in crime.

  5. Now I’m picturing Mrs. Putz walking the halls wringing her hands and muttering, “Out, damned spot….”

    And now I’m tempted to adapt a bit, hopefully:

    Trump’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
    That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
    And then is heard no more: he is a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
    Signifying nothing.

  6. @Rhea – clap clap clap! Here here!

  7. I wonder if Mr. Duncan Cheater was letting Mrs. Duncan Greedy play with the purse strings to distract and appease her…like giving a crying baby a rattle or a mouse for a cat.

  8. So how many Scaramucci’s to a Friedman?
    My google measure translator won’t tell me.

  9. As long as his extra curricular activities were with women folk, the Republicans won’t mind. In fact, I think they believe it’s a perfectly appropriate perk of the job. It’s ALWAYS OK if you are a Republican.

  10. Or he’s wearing the orange jumpsuit^…

    ^ Watch 2018/09/05 The Daily Show: With 45’s incompetence, skin tone, and lack of fidelity: ” it’s a perfect match!”

  11. Marjorie Wood says:

    I don’t know about other places but Austin has a huge network of people to register teenagers to vote. Now we have to figure out how to get them to the polls.
