Thanks, Jared.

October 28, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

CNN is saying that Jared Kushner was bagging back in April that they had taken the country back from the doctors.

In a taped interview on April 18, Kushner told legendary journalist Bob Woodward that Trump was “getting the country back from the doctors” in what he called a “negotiated settlement.” Kushner also proclaimed that the US was moving swiftly through the “panic phase” and “pain phase” of the pandemic and that the country was at the “beginning of the comeback phase.”
“That doesn’t mean there’s not still a lot of pain and there won’t be pain for a while, but that basically was, we’ve now put out rules to get back to work,” Kushner said. “Trump’s now back in charge. It’s not the doctors.”
Y’all, please, once they are out of office, please, please, please let me punch Jared in the face.  I’m an old lady. I won’t hurt him, but bygawd, it won’t be for lack of trying.

This sassy little boy does not know pain.  Lemme try.

His punishment should be that he cannot see a doctor for the rest of his life. He thinks he’s having a heart attack? He should go talk to his father in law.  There will be panic and pain but it’s worth it not to have doctors around.

He was bragging about this stuff.  Lemme punch him. Get me a step stool.


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0 Comments to “Thanks, Jared.”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    Two words: chain gang.

    Lots of roads need trash pickup, and an orange jumpsuit would be fitting.

  2. G Foresight says:

    Germans have a word for Jared Kushner types:

    “Fremdschämen” which means embarrassment on behalf of someone who doesn’t realize they should be embarrassed for themselves.

    (P.S., the word also applies to D. Trump Jr.)

  3. After Trump loses this election (Biden up 17 points in Wisconsin, presumably a swing state), and the Trump family blame game begins – – I would pay $5 cash to watch them gather at Thanksgiving, after they’ve had three weeks for the resentment and acrimony to simmer. An extra dollar for individual closeups when Donald picks up the carving knife.

    Maybe they’ll find some old bottles of Trump wine for the occasion, probably now aged vinegar.

  4. Sandridge says:

    Don’t risk damaging your fists, hands, or wrists, use the bottom and edges of your boots or stilettos.

    Hurricane Zeta is slamming into the Louisiana coast just SW of New Orleans. Zeta is a top Cat 2 or even a Cat 3. NOLA is going to be a solid bullseye.
    A greater number of, and more severe, tornadoes will accompany Zeta all along it’s path across the United States. Exiting the continent around NJ/NYC and continuing out into the Atlantic as a strong extratropical cyclone.
    This is ‘bad news’ for many who are unaware.

  5. Don’t hit him, JJ. Empty porcelain breaks easily.

  6. He would need to put you on his visitors list first. I wouldn’t worry, some of his new housemates will have lost family on the outside, and may have plans for him.

    I do hope that NY state gets first crack at him. They have a fine place to send him. While its usually referred to by its location Dannemora, the sign on the gate says “Clinton Correctional Facility”. (And its as far north as you can get in the state, right on the Canadian border. Has a reputation as colder than Melania’ heart)

  7. Holee effen chit! Webcam clip of Zeta from an offshore oil platform.
    160mph wind gusts, 60+ foot high waves! Yikes!

    [lifted from a tweet by Jennifer Lambers, a met with a Mobile teevee station]

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And today, the kushyboy said they don’t talk about the current fall coronavirus surge because it only hurts the economy. They prefer to lie and say the pandemic has ended. It’s kind of like their logic that we only have new cases because of their “beautiful” testing. Seems the stock market wasn’t buying any of it today.
    I am counting the hours until they hopefully will just shut the f… up already.

  9. @G Foresight

    The German word for what jughead Jared, Backpfeifengesicht

  10. Put a roll of quarters in that fist, adds a little weight to the punch and provides a bit more impact. I’d aim for pretty boy’s nose and have somebody with a camera standing by when he starts snortin’ blood and crying. Make sure you’re standing next to the sumbitch and it’ll be like one of those photos guys take after catching a big fish or like those when 45Jr takes the life of an innocent elephant or tiger.

  11. He’s not sassy. Sassy has always implied a little bit cute, to me. He’s smug and stupid.

  12. Sandridge says:

    So much winning !

    Market IndexesName Value Graph Change Change %
    U.S. Market Closed 8,230.54 289.99 −3.40%
    U.S. Small CapClosed 9,557.23 271.82 −2.77%
    U.S. Mid Cap Closed 10,724.86 317.41 −2.87%
    DJIA Closed 26,519.95 943.24 −3.43%
    S&P 500 Closed 3,271.03 119.65 −3.53%
    NASDAQ Closed 11,004.87 426.48 −3.73%
    Oct 28 5:02 PM CDT

  13. larry from Colorado says:

    Jeff Del Papa: You are the best suggestion.

  14. Sandridge says:

    NOLA, LA, Bourbon Street webcam, crazy wind and rain, and the eye of Zeta is still in the southern suburbs:

  15. The whole Trump Crime Family and Incompetent MalAdministration are stupid far beyond their mere dishonesty. They’re just fundamentally dumber that a pile of rocks, and think they’re so damn smart. It’s pathetic.

  16. It’s so sad that they think that being conniving, sneaky, and crooked are equivalent to intelligence.

  17. If there was justice in this world the entire Trump clan would be sentenced to life without parole, or pay, emptying bedpans, mopping up puke and blood and other similar cleanup duties as required working with the very young, the very old, and the very sick.

    Who knows? Given a little perspective and growth one or more might grow to like their job making things better for other people. I like to think of it as vengeance with an opportunity for growth.

  18. Katherine says:

    Just rip you off a switch and wear him out!

  19. Sandridge, Zeta’s supposed to bring us our first snow in S New England. Trying to gently suggest it’s time to take down the gazebo- it’s predecessor blew away in a big storm exactly one year ago, the 2018 version was crushed in a surprise early November snow storm. Lesson maybe learned?

  20. Sandridge says:

    lazrgrl @20, Better hurry, Zeta is hauling azz, will be moving to the south of you tomorrow evening as it tracks to the NE and further out to sea. Looks like it will go offshore around southern NJ.
    Zeta will be strongly interacting with other weather systems, so the weather is going to be weird and different in different places not too far apart. But it will still be a potent storm.
    Zeta is doing huge damage in LA and MS so far.

  21. 1) Trump has Kompromat on many GOP. And his cult forces other GOP to go along. GOP deserves to be dissolved as a party. Spineless. Soulless. Immoral.

    2) Kushner and Trump can’t control the virus through pronouncements and lies, though they’ve tried. Most people aren’t stupid and see right through this.

    3) Both deserve to be charged for “Crimes Against Humanity”. Lock them up in a Federal Max or Gitmo. Throw away the key. Throw the whole lot of Trumps in prison, along with other admin complicits. Gruel for breakfast, lunch and dinner. No mercy.

  22. Forgot: before throwing trump & kushner in prison, put them in stocks on the National Mall and let citizens throw rotten tomatoes and eggs at them. I might even travel 3000 miles to join in.

  23. Hannah. I have always thought Kompromat is the only possible explanation.

  24. Kompromat is one way to get leverage. At least for most people it would be. I doubt it works quite so well or reliably with the Trump clan. Kompromat depends on an intact sense of shame. Based on their behavior I can only conclude that they have no shame. I suspect it has been surgically removed and the raw nerves burned back with a white-hot iron.

  25. I’d crawl across broken glass naked for the opportunity to punch Kushner in the gonads. That would be more effective than hitting him in the head since he doesn’t have a brain.

  26. charles phillips says:

    Arm yourselves.

  27. The Surly Professor says:

    Vastly more satisfying than a punch in the face: he needs to be stripped of all his assets, and then arrested if he buys so much as a McDonald’s hamburger using hidden off-shore accounts. Being poor is the ultimate failure for people like him. That also means he gets nothing in his prison canteen account. Let him live on Nutriloaf alone.

    Then if and when he gets out, we line up to punch him in the face, or other body parts.

    Sandbridge et al: Those of us who lived in Gulf Coast regions know well what damage hurricanes can do, and the many weeks of clean-up and rebuilding required. All of my relatives who lived in El Campo, New Orleans, and Lake Charles have moved to the Midwest or the Pacific Northwest. And we all message each other with “damn glad I’m not there now”!

  28. Cannot figure out why the hell he did this! Was this an original idea with him or someone else? I bet on the latter! This guy is a Harvard grad? Poor Harvard!

  29. Steve of Las Vegas says:

    Jared is Dorian Gray.

    For years I have been trying to remember who Jared reminded me of. Then, the movie channel started showing the 1945 movie “The picture of Dorian Gray”.

    Jared looks like Dorian Gray and his portrait probably not only shows his horrible soul but is standing on the bodies of all his victims.

  30. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Recently I was struck by the awful similarity between the pallid
    complexion of Jared Kushner and recent pics of Barron Trump.
    Anyone else notice this? As for Jared, he really does have a face that begs to be punched; the young Barron I feel nothing but pity for as I can only imagine what a hard life he has been set up for as the son of Trump and with the total ass-hats he has for siblings. Plus his name. Crummy name. What are your friends going to call you? “Bar” or “Bare”.

  31. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Both Jared and Barron could do with more fresh air and exercise. While I would like to hold on to sympathy for Barron, he’s already acquiring the sulky, spoiled, overentitled expressions of his elders. I keep thinking of Kipling’s Captains Courageous story, in which the spoiled son of a rich man falls overboard from a passenger liner and is rescued by the crew of a New England fishing boat….and gets disabused of privilege.
