Thanks, Grover

March 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal signed Grover Norquist’s sacred oath not to raise taxes, not realizing that Grover is weird.

So, because of Jindal’s oath, the paradise of Louisiana is already in debt and this year’s budget has a $1.6 billion (with a B) gap.  They are having to spend $1.6 billion that they don’t have.

220px-Bobby_JindalIt’s called the Rick Perry Syndrome:  Announce you’re running for President and destroy your state so you can pretend that conservatism works when it damn well doesn’t.

But there is a silver lining for us all.  Little Miss Karma paid a visit to Little Mister Jindal.  Even though he’s running for President, Jindal’s budget does not include money to hold a Presidential primary in 2016.

This is also a story about how Louisiana is so poor that — despite his White House ambitions — Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) didn’t budget anything for presidential primaries in 2016.

Last year, Jindal even signed a law to move up the primaries by two weeks to attract more national attention to Louisiana. But the money for those elections was nowhere to be found in the governor’s budget proposal for the coming fiscal year, as legislators discovered Wednesday.

Well, that’s kinda cool.  Looks like he stepped on his winkie in the process of screwing the people of Louisiana.

That’s fun.

Thanks to chloe bear for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Thanks, Grover”

  1. I distrust politicians who swear allegiance to Grover rather than America. In fact, unpatriotic is the mildest possible adjective to apply to this action.

  2. screecherguy says:

    On Jindal. That Piyush is one hilarious dude. What a moron. They just can’t govern, they never could.

  3. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Oh yeah, here is the kind of forward thinking we need in America in 2015! Can you say: presidential timber? Okay, can you say: dry rot? Lets go with the later for Bobby Baby.

  4. You are making a big assumption that he has a winkie.

  5. Sandridge says:

    Not a problem. The frei market will provide a solution.
    True Louisianan patriots will robe…errr…ride to the assistance of their great state.
    Patriotic bake sales, car washes, rope handling…errmm…and firearm raffles and contests will be held. Proceeds to be donated to the great state of Loseiana for the holding (and ballot counting) of those presidential primary electshuns.
    Yes indeedy, private enterprise, hard work, and frei markets shall save the day (for those worthy).

  6. Disclaimer: I love L-O-V-E love Louisiana. Fishing, Nawlins, Mardi Gras, Metarie, the Mississippi. etc etc.

    Why does Louisiana attract and/or grow such people? Edwin Edwards left a plume of corruption behind himself wider than the River. Whathahe77 is wrong with David Duke? Ray Nagin??? “..wire fraud, bribery, and money laundering related to bribes from city contractors before and after Hurricane Katrina..” Huey Long????????

    Must Piyush Jindal live down to this standard? Is it writ by G*d? Is it a Federal law? Why?

  7. Perhaps he will keep down costs by making voting by invitation only. That’s the way the GOP is heading anyway.

  8. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Hey, he’s a Republican. He learned from Bush/Cheney: Start a war but don’t increase VA budget for the returning veteran’s health issues. Or try to dismantle an affordable healthcare plan without a replacement.

    I suggest he volunteer for a public dunk tank to raise money.

    None of these cretins can think past their lobbyists, or personal billionaire sponsor’s, wallets.


  9. maryelle says:

    Conservative economics is proving to be quite costly to the states of Republican governors who espouse it. Walker in Wisconsin, Brownback in Kansas and now Jindal in Louisiana, just to mention a few. No worries, the kochroaches will dig deep
    for their minions.

  10. Marge Wood says:

    I don’t understand. Just because somebody signed a piece of paper pushed by Grover Norquist, does it have any power except the power of being fussed at by Norquist? It’s not a law, is it? I don’t think so.

  11. He plans to just appoint himself. No budget required. Problem solved.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Returning vets weren’t supposed to be injured. dumbass dubya assured Pat Robertson there would be no casualties.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    Goes to show what happens when somebody who’s never been at war starts one and spends it out in a boat, prospecting for oil.

  14. Corinne Sabo says:

    Louisiana has enough losers – now Jindal

  15. daChipster says:

    In the immortal words of B. Bunny, Esq:

    What a nin-cow-poop! What a gulli-bull! What an im-Bess-ile! What an ultra-maroon!

    To his left, everyone thinks Grover is a trickle-down idjit. To his right, everyone thinks he’s a Muslim-loving traitor. With his typical tin ear and dim-witted sense of timing, Jindal’s managed to Piyush everyone off!

  16. I can just hear my late husband telling me years ago why he never again wanted to return to Louisiana. He thought it was bad as all get out fifty years ago. It absolutely blows away the laws of physics as to the present level of crookery. All I can tell his friends and family still down there RUN!!! Run like H-E-double hockey sticks! And if it makes you feel any better, take Ralph and Kakoo with you!

  17. Oh what fun. Louisiana is one swampy mess.

    I worked for one of the big time crooked politician/lawyer during his reign of error. It was 1979-1982, was O’Keefe, O’Keefe & Berrigan was a legit insurance firm in their own building on Canal Street with a S&L owned by O’Keefe. They never had any cash, you could not cash a $5 check for lunch. Anyhow, the link is the ‘rest of the story’.

    Not much has changed in Louisiana.

    My daughter lives in Mandeville or as they say in N’awlins, ‘north of the lake’.

  18. Clarification:

    They were a legit insurance DEFENSE law firm.

  19. Hippie Cowboy says:

    First, my apologies to Mama. Second, I’m with Cheryl…if Jindal has a winkie, he’ll have to be a contortionist to step on it!

  20. e platypus onion says:

    O’keefe seems to be such a nice Irish lad. Wonder if he is related to Breitbart’s Okeefe who has relatives in Loose e anna?

  21. Louisiana has a very long list of its politicians acting badly. Some are mentioned in this story:

    There must be something in the water there.

  22. RepubAnon says:

    @DaChipster – I’m going for Grover as a trickle-down, idjit Mooslim intent on bringing Sharia Law to these United States by weakening our country through tax cuts. He’s got a beard, right? Must be Mooslim!


    I’m going to keep pushing the “Grover’s tax cuts are mandated by Sharia Law” meme in the hope the Tea Partiers go catatonic.

  23. Working in corporate defense law firms with politicians and lobbyists gives one insight to how crooked and rigged things are in this exceptional America.

    Going to work each day for over a year at O’Keefe we had four FBI agents in a private office with a copy machine, copying documents which later lead to O’Keefe’s first prison term. Then the S&L Crisis happened….

  24. RepubAnon — by all means keep pushing that meme. I’ll help you. And let’s not forget to add “what, me worry?” to every picture of Bobby.

    I might feel sorry for Louisiana, but they keep electing the worst disaster since Katrina.
