Thanks, Grover

March 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal signed Grover Norquist’s sacred oath not to raise taxes, not realizing that Grover is weird.

So, because of Jindal’s oath, the paradise of Louisiana is already in debt and this year’s budget has a $1.6 billion (with a B) gap.  They are having to spend $1.6 billion that they don’t have.

220px-Bobby_JindalIt’s called the Rick Perry Syndrome:  Announce you’re running for President and destroy your state so you can pretend that conservatism works when it damn well doesn’t.

But there is a silver lining for us all.  Little Miss Karma paid a visit to Little Mister Jindal.  Even though he’s running for President, Jindal’s budget does not include money to hold a Presidential primary in 2016.

This is also a story about how Louisiana is so poor that — despite his White House ambitions — Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) didn’t budget anything for presidential primaries in 2016.

Last year, Jindal even signed a law to move up the primaries by two weeks to attract more national attention to Louisiana. But the money for those elections was nowhere to be found in the governor’s budget proposal for the coming fiscal year, as legislators discovered Wednesday.

Well, that’s kinda cool.  Looks like he stepped on his winkie in the process of screwing the people of Louisiana.

That’s fun.

Thanks to chloe bear for the heads up.

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