Thanks, Greg.

July 02, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Governor Greg Abbott finally issued a mask order for the large cities and counties in this state.  You’ll get a warning the first time you’re caught without a mask and a $250 fine the second time.

Now let me tell you a story, newly elected Harris (think Houston) County Judge Lina Hidalgo, a Democrat, tried the same thing several weeks ago. Texas Republicans called her a tyrant and the governor overruled her, shaking his finger at her.  They clutched pearls, and called names, and put the back of their hands against their foreheads, and swore an oath to protect democracy against people’s rights to kill other people.

You know what they are calling the governor today?  Groundbreaking.  A damn hero.

But Honey, a 29 year old Latina is still a tyrant.

If only Abbott had listened to her.


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