Thank You, Walker County.

February 25, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s a shout out to some new people who may be joining us this week.  Last night, the Walker County Democrats (think way north Houston) held their annual First Amendment Celebration and Molly Ivins Banquet.  It was a packed house with fancy tablecloths, centerpieces, real napkins, three forks, and a whole bunch of Democrats ready to give ‘um hell.

The keynote speaker was Mike Collier, a Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor.  I love Mike and, even though he’s a CPA, he told a joke or two.

I was invited to give a speech to this unruly, but well-dressed crowd.  It was a blast and I hope they invite me back sometime.

So welcome, Walker County!  I know most people have to lurk here a while before they post, so ya’ll be on your best behavior now.


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