So, Here’s How You Fix That

February 24, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Last September the Republican National Committee came under pressure for paying Trump and Trump Jr’s legal bills for the Mueller investigation from Republican campaign funds, money meant to be spent on helping get Republican elected across the country.

So, they quit paying it.

Meet John Pence

But … as we have learned, Republicans are real good at exchanging money under the table.  A few months ago, the RNC quietly started shuffling the money.

The RNC is using campaign funds to pay Trump’s company more than $37,000 a month in rent, and to pay thousands of dollars in monthly salary to Vice President Mike Pence’s nephew, John Pence, party officials confirmed this week. The rent pays for office space in the Trump Tower in New York for the staff of Trump’s re-election campaign. John Pence is the Trump campaign’s deputy executive director.

Yeah, it’s weird and “unusual” but it is legal. Can you imagine what it costs to pay a lawyer to find that loophole.

A guy from the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center says, “One would think the RNC could be spending their money more effectively right now on the 2018 campaign, rather than spending it to pay Trump’s rent.”  Yeah, that’s what one would think and one would be wrong.

By the way, John Pence is being paid $12,000 a month by the Republican National Committee.  Nice work if you can get it, but you can only get it if your uncle is vice president.

Hell, even Bill Kristol is cringing ….



Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “So, Here’s How You Fix That”

  1. Hey! Don’t tell them they’re doing it wrong! Who would have thought they would willingly help Democrats get elected? But they’re sure effective at it.

    Or maybe they already know they’re setting Congress up to flip. Maybe they’ve decided all this being responsible for how the government works isn’t their cuppa after all.

  2. Trump won’t realize he needs a Republican majority in the House to protect him from hearings until it’s too late. Like everything else he bumbles through.

    Let him continue to campaign for Republican candidates in person and on Twitter and keep the cash for himself. It’s working out pretty well so far, for Democrats.

    We’ll see how 2018 goes, but Trump-Pence 2020 looks better and better every day. Dems should be able to run almost any 35 year old with a pulse against that combination in two years.

  3. Or they could run Schumer and give us four more years of Trump. Guess which they chose.

  4. Marge Wood says:

    re: picture of Trump in elevator. He’s practicing looking like a real dictator.

  5. The more money they spend on trump and company the less money they have to spend on candidates for office. If the average gop donor realizes what his money is being used for perhaps he will stop donating…hopefully…well maybe…do you think?

  6. Meanwhile as the thuglicans crash and burn the DCCC has got their back by supporting and pushing good little obedient thuglicrats as d’d to ensure that d voters neither get the candinates they want of the agenda they desrve.
    In Penn. at a contested contest the national d’s are supporting an pro murder, anti choice, anti mimiumun wage, thuglicrat to ensure that those voters are reliably represented by a thuglican.
    In NJ-02 where a vulnerable R retired rather face defeat the dccc is pushing an ammosexual to be candinate that can be counted on to sabatauge a progressive agenda.
    Be nice if any of these guys had the courage to run as civilized thuglicans that they are. But it is easier to just have the dccc buy/force the nomination on them that way the thuglicans don’t have to worry about losing since both candinates belong to them. And the candinates can nurture their political cowardice while still being able to compete for wingnut welfare when they are discarded.
    With the dccc and dscc taking positions and candinates to the right of addled ronnie raygun and tricky dick it will it take a “childrens crusade” to flush this trash from their positions of power.

  7. Bob Boland says:

    Well k, one solution would be to stop donating to the DCCC. Did it myself years ago for similar reasons. Now I read about the candidates I ‘m thinking of supporting and, if they look good, I send them a few bucks.

  8. Meanwhile the well heeled power brokers continue to knee cap and cripple any who would dare to challenge their rethuglican philosphy whne presented by pet shills with no concsience.

    Push that any blue dog d is only placed on committees regarding stationary choices and are not allowed into caucaus meetings, lest they do what they were recruited for and betray or torpedo d agenda. When their opinion is needed it will be given to them and meanwhile have the d’s openly and publicly recruit challengers for these quislings.

  9. What I want to know, is anyone going to get him medical attention for that gross growth on his left shoulder? I fear it is a snacilbupeR part, but much too large for President Shithole’s.

  10. Hard to read K’s rants due to typos galore, but it seems he or she is upset with Dems. Well, that is what we have. Remember what happened when people just “couldn’t vote for that Hillary” and thus, Trump…? What in the h is a “thuglicrat?”

    Who here is surprised that the Pence nest is being feathered as an extra to the major trumpayola going on every minute of this regime? Raise your hand and color yourself confused…This behavior riddles the whole party– ethics schmethics…

  11. 1) Mea Culpa for typos. Hunt and peck typist with a spell checker inclined to rum amok (i.e substitutes era for nra) will try to work on it.

    2) Yes I am upset with the d’s sacrificing our country in pursuit of political expediency and sacrifying their constituents for guareenteed campaign donations ( i.e. senator booker NJ)

    3) I began in supporting Bernie but fell into line and supported and voted for Hillary. Even after she went to kiss the ring of a war criminal (kissinger) right after accepting nomination, thus reinforceing critism of her as being overly enamoured with conflicts.
    I spoke up trying to ensure that people knew no matter what their opinion of Hillary was that demented donnie was worse. So please let us avoid that bogus canard

    4) If the d’s keep following the path laid out by rahm and his disiples ( i.e wasserman- schultz) who pursuit of money overwhelms their obligation to the democratic party so will I try to call them out and ask that they return the party to the people who support a d agenda.

    5) As long as the thuglicans refuse to use the proper name for the Democratic party, and its candinates I will continue to refer to them based upon their dominate trait of being cheap cowardly whimps = thugs = thuglicans.

  12. The rethuglicans are quisling cowards who have sold out to any and every thug with a bank account. They support murder(read NRA) destruction of our environment (big coal, oil, etc). They have no morals, spit on true Christianity and will do anything illegal to stay in power. The time is now to put them in a large hole called a cesspool and leave them there.
