Thank You, Sweet Karma Angel.
Republican North Carolina Congressman Mark Walker has a damm good idea.
He introduced a bill “to save the US from seeing any more former members of Congress taking up congressional lobbying, if they have not paid back taxpayer money used to settle sexual harassment settlements.”
The legislation to be introduced on Wednesday will reportedly be called The Bad Lawmakers Accountability and Key Emends or, or the BLAKE Act, named after the former Texas congressman.
Yes, that would be named after Blake Farenthold, and man who settled a sexual harassment suit with taxpayer money he refuses to give back, resigned, and then had a friend at a governmental agency give him a government job paying more than he made as a congressman to be a lobbyist in a secret and illegal deal.
This man deserves his own bill, and bygawd, it looks like he’s gonna get it.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.