I Had To Walk Ten Miles To School in Eight Feet of Snow Uphill Both Ways

January 30, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Kentucky Republican Governor Matt Bevin ain’t puttin’ up with all this weakness in America.  No, siree.

He went on the electric radio to preach good old American hardness.

Bevin was disdainful of several school districts in Kentucky closing school today during the polar votex.  He kept saying over and over, “We’re getting soft,” and wondered out loud, “What’s happening to America?”

I dunno, Matt, the worst weather in a generation?

“Now we cancel school for cold,” he said.

“It’s deep freeze!” the host replied. “This is serious business.”

Bevin scoffed at the forecasts. “Come on, now,” he said. “I mean, there’s no ice going with it, or any snow.”

Actually, there was snow in parts of Kentucky. Oh, but he wasn’t finished.

… it does concern me a little bit that in America — on this and any number of other fronts — we’re sending messages to our young people that if life is hard, you can curl up in the fetal position somewhere in a warm place and just wait until it stops being hard,” he said.

I looked for pictures of Bevin out standing at a bus stop this morning when it was zero degrees with a heavy wind.  It’s a shame I couldn’t find any.

By the way, “Bevin, who was born in Colorado and grew up in New Hampshire, attended the Gould Academy, a college preparatory school in Bethel, Maine, where annual tuition for boarding students is now $61,350.”

Isn’t that nice?  And soft?  And a place to curl up?

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0 Comments to “I Had To Walk Ten Miles To School in Eight Feet of Snow Uphill Both Ways”

  1. And had to fight off the wolves in the dark too.

  2. Well goll darn it all!
    I hope all those kids in Kentucky Tweet messages to Gov Matt describing their day of “Exceutive Time.”

    … and then Gov Matt, 1 Fox Friend said to 1 other Fox Friend…

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Sure thing, Matt. And, paying that prep school tuition while your family was so poor they couldn’t afford to buy bread so you’d have some of those fancy Joni Ernst wrappers for your feet.

  4. I just had the pleasure of forwarding the link for this column to Matt Bevin’s office. He probably won’t read it, but I am sure someone there will enjoy it. You never know.

  5. I lived in the Ohio Valley in the 80s and it was colder than a witch’s tit.

  6. Cheryl Wolfe says:

    Yep. My courageous dad as a lad had to walk 10 miles to and from school through neck deep, blowing snow, fighting off all the meanies that traveled that route on a daily basis using his books and a syrup bucket. All of this drama happened in central Texas.

  7. In all fairness to Bevin, during the harsh winters, he did have to remind the custodian at Gould Academy to turn on the electric towel warmer once and awhile.

  8. Oh, and for you kids playing “Executive Time” at home today curled up under the covers, don’t forget to Tweet Gov Matt that you look to your President as an example of “what’s happening in America today.” Like when that President wouldn’t honor WWI heros because there was a slight chance of rain and 50 degree temps outside. Brutal.

  9. Linda Phipps says:

    You forgot that the uphill trek to school in the snow was barefoot. But then I am from North Dakota and made, I guess, of sterner stuff. We didn’t have bread bags.

    I read somewhere that the real test of class or maybe it was leadership, that one never asked someone to do something they wouldn’t do themselves. So get out there and curl up in a snowbank, Matt.

  10. karla dockery says:

    currently living in sc/nc/ga corner. 35 here, 47 today although chill factor feels like 30’s, forecast to 20’s by 9pm. teens overnite.

    he is a wimp!!

    i’m ex cop from KY. winter 77-78, i was on foot patrol in richmond, ky.

    after one blizzard, i towed 248 cars to clear roads for plows (8 hours).

    2 pairs of long johns/socks, ski boots, 2 pairs gloves. but got job done.

    has he even stuck his pudgy little nose out today?

  11. Ralph Wiggam says:

    It was colder in Chicago this morning than it was in Prudhoe Bay Alaska on the Arctic Ocean, colder than Dawson City, Yukon, in the Klondike. Even the Inuit know that it’s cold outside.

  12. My dad told the same stories of walking miles to school, barefoot in the snow. The only difference was, he had to walk up hill, both ways! 🙂

  13. Feet? You had feet?

  14. That Other Jean says:

    Would somebody please take the keys to his car and then lock him out of the building for an hour or so? He might develop a sudden sympathy for schoolkids.

  15. Time for the Monty Python Four Yorkshireman sketch? “You ‘ad a cup? We ‘ad ta drink our tea outta a rolled up newspaper!”

  16. Send that wimp up here to Manysnowduh. We have beautiful, bright sunshine today. It’s -17°, -37° windchill. We canceled school. Are we wimps? No. We’re not stupid and don’t have a need to prove our toughness.

    Git yer wimpy ass up here, Bevens, and go for a nice, long walk in my neighborhood.

  17. WA Skeptic says:

    I told my kids that same thing: Walk to school through 2′ of snow, uphill both ways. It worked too, until my daughter was about 12 y.o. and said “Heeeyyyy–it doesn’t snow in California!” Oh darn, busted!!

    Yeah, and I’m willing to bet Bevins hasn’t driven through snow in weeks (because chauffer), nor has he had to even put on a sweater to keep warm. Nothing like a Rethuglican for a little sympathy.

  18. Peripatetic gent. Did all those other states kick Gov. Bevo out when they found out what he was like ??

  19. They were advising people in those affected states not to be outside for more than 6 minutes before hypothermia set in. This moron wants to send out school kids into that. Maybe he is not so pro-life.

  20. Marcia in CO says:

    WA Skeptic … I’m sure by now your daughter has learned it does snow in CA. It has snowed in Live Oak in the Sacramento Valley; in Chico, and in Eureka right on Humboldt Bay, and even in Pittsburg, CA in the E. Bay Area and also at sea level.
    And … I lived to tell about it! LOL
    I get about the same amount of snow now that I’m in S. Colorado in one of the banana belt regions out here! 🙂

  21. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I triple-dog-dare him to stick his tongue on a light pole.
