Thank You, Lord, For Small Favors

May 27, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sometimes I admit to feeling very blessed.  The gods of political yummy prepare a feast for me almost daily.

And some days there’s desert.

Oh, yes, please, more whipped cream on top.

Last week Trump, who turns 67 next month, spoke in front of what’s being touted as a record crowd at the Oakland County, Michigan Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner.

“Everybody tells me, ‘Please run for president. Please run for president.’ I would be much happier if a great and competent person came along,” Trump told attendees, according to local press reports.

So, he spent one million dollars to see if he can win.

Donald Trump has spent $1 million on “electoral research,” according to a report.

“The electoral research was commissioned. We did not spend $1 million on this research for it just to sit on my bookshelf,” Trump’s executive vice president and counsel Michael Cohen told The New York Post.

Honey, for a buck fifty, I can tell you how everybody loves you and you can be President.  That’s all you wanted to hear anyway.

We’d invite him to Texas but his ego won’t fit.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Thank You, Lord, For Small Favors”

  1. Aghast Independent says:

    Question. Would people be voting for Donald or voting for that dead unidentified animal on top of his head?

  2. maryelle says:

    The arrogance of this guy. He’s been to bankruptcy court as often as divorce court. I know all the political comedians are salivating at the prospect, but there are people just stupid enough to think “he’s a businessman” and vote for the shyster. To think Hillary might have to lower herself to debate him is staggering, but it would make for an hilarious primary.

  3. @Aghast: They get to vote for both Trump & what’s on his head. That’s the Republican candidate for vice-president.

  4. First of all, I apologize for this … but it is “dessert” … the sweet treat after a meal — The Donald is certainly NOT that. However, The Donald is about as dried out as any local “desert” and I doubt that Trump hair lookalike caterpillar we all looked at a couple weeks ago or so would survive being in the desert!

    I hate being the grammar/spelling poop but some words just bug me … like Donald Trump and running for president does when it’s all in the same story!!

  5. As my children text to me “OMG!!!!!!”

    Please Mr Trump do run. Please National GOP get behind Mr Trump as your candidate. Please.

    Then Democrats have to hold up their end of the deal. Ya-know, need to nominate an experienced candidate. One who has served in one or more recent Dem administrations. One who has run for and won state wide elective office, say governor or US Senator. One whose name Dems will recognize even if they have lived in a cave since 2000. One with just the right amount of wrong.

    Cause until the normal people in the GOP have a successful putsch and rescue their party from the idiot fringe their candidates will be T-party inspired zombies, brown shirted and jack-booted.

  6. After Donald gets a few pats on the head—-(hope that thing on the top of his lopsided noggin doesn’t attack someone) he can run for king or squirrel catcher or whatever it is he thinks will make everyone pay attention to him.

    My dearly departed grandpa would say this news would make him grin like a possum gnawing on a sweet potato.

  7. RepubAnon says:

    “‘Everybody tells me, ‘Please run for president. Please run for president.’ I would be much happier if a great and competent person came along,’ Trump told attendees…”

    So what Caterpillar Head is saying is that he may run unless some “great and competent person” comes along? I must say, that’s the first time I’ve heard Donald Trump admit that he is neither “great” nor “competent.”

  8. He got rich mostly on other people’s money and bankruptcy. Don’t think that really makes him much of a ‘businessman’.
    His only talent is self-promotion and I’d hate to see what that would amount to as president.
    Of course, I need not worry about a Trump presidency but it will be fun to watch him waste his money and provide us with comic relief.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    Good grief. Well, it’s free entertainment.

  10. 1toughlady says:

    I really do hope he runs, I need a good giggle during campaign season.

  11. Aggieland liz says:

    I think that thing on top of his head is his “familiar”

  12. @Marcia—A friend of mine tells her students “dessert” is “just too sweet.” Heard it once, never misspelled it again…

  13. Umptydump says:

    Here we go. The Republicans’ chaotic performance in 2012 got such rave reviews, they’re fixing to do it again! They’ve already climbed into their handbasket and have the knife unsheathed, ready to cut the rope that will send them to you-know-where. Good-byeeeeeeeeeee!!

  14. @Marcia and djw — also remember strawberry shortcake is dessert, the Sahara is a desert. I think our Juanita Jean is just excited that the R drama queens (yes, I used the feminine on purpose 😉 ) continue to provide desserts in the desert of what passes as R political thought.

    The Donald is just publicly inflating his ego once again, ad infinitum.

  15. Would that be the same bookshelf where the evidence Trump’s investigators found in Hawaii proving that Obama was born in Kenya is sitting?

  16. Aghast Independent, it is no longer unidentified.

  17. You would think that he would recall the poor attendance of his speech at the GOP Love-In would give him a clue that he is NOT so popular.

    But I guess his ego is in the way of any logic.

  18. The Donald may be hearing from other billionaire donors like The Sheldon, who feel he’s not too old or ugly to represent the GOP’s moneyed class. Does he take phone calls from anyone else?

  19. Is it possible that Pres. Obama is grooming Penny Pritzker, another billionaire real estate mogul, to be the Dem’s presidential candidate for 2016?

    Penny would be a formidable force for The Donald to deal with… hummmm? 😉

  20. Goody, goody. I look forward to The Donald, Michele Ma Belle, holier-than-thou Santorum, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul and maybe Rick Perry effing it up for each other in the next GOP prez primaries. They learned their lesson so well in 2012.

  21. I suspect that many of the people telling Trump “Please run for president” are Democrats.


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