Fun With Guns Memorial Day Weekend Edition

May 28, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I don’t know about your neck of the woods, but Memorial Day weekend in Texas involves shootin’ people.

A son accidentally shot himself and his mother.  His mother.  His damn mother.  And what were they doing?

Around 10:15, police responded to reports of a shooting on Prior Park near Palcio Real.  When they arrived at the scene, they found a man with a gunshot wound to his hand, and a woman who had been shot in the stomach.

According to reports, a group of family and friends was gathered together drinking in the garage of a home on Prior Park.  Police said one man pulled out his gun to show it off, when he accidentally fired it.

We don’t have basements in Texas so we use our garages as rec rooms.  It generally involves a barbeque pit on the driveway.

And, of course, next there comes young love.  A 16 year old boy was shot in the neck as he opened the front door.  He is being called “an innocent bystander.”

[Uncle Joe] Moreno told Local 2 the 14-year-old sister’s ex-boyfriend was angry at her and either came to the house or sent a friend there to retaliate. But it was the girl’s 16-year-old brother who was home alone when he answered the door and was shot.

Because nothing says I love your little underage sister like a gun.

And one that involves far amusement, a Marine from Camp Lejeune came to Texas and began randomly shooting people from his pick up truck.

Firing randomly from his pickup truck on Sunday, Smith killed a 41-year-old woman and wounded five people, including the county sheriff, in Concho County, about 250 miles southwest of Dallas, authorities said.

The gunman was killed in a shootout with a Highway Patrol trooper and a game warden who arrived to assist the sheriff, the statement said.


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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns Memorial Day Weekend Edition”

  1. Guns have been a fixture in millions of homes for a long time without such incidents… other than a suicide from time to time. The men who kept guns had a great deal of respect for the harm that guns could wrought & used them only to hunt or kill a rapid animal or coyote looking for a chicken meal.

    The real issue is why that respect disappeared. Today “show & shoot” has taken the place of respect for such a lethal weapon.

  2. So when Perry invited gun manufacturers to move to Texas, he must have also issued open invitations to murderers all over the U.S., for Texas to host random & spontaneous first-person shooter activities ending in shootouts.

  3. I’m to the point with “HuffPost” that I just kinda skim through it anymore. It’s getting to be too much like some of those supermarket tabloids. All sensationalism.

    This is a long, but very worthwhile read. We can only hope and pray the author is somewhat prophetic.

    It’s time for the demise of the NRA, and the stranglehold they have on this country, and its politicians.

  4. I am far more fearful of being killed by an NRA member than by a terrorist.

  5. KATIE DID says:

    i apologize for the marine. but any large group of people will have some bad apples.

    the huffpost article about the NRA is good.

    so other than the marine being a bad apple; how did the weekend?

  6. Lorraine in Spring says:

    LynnN FTW.

  7. Guns don’t kill people. They just make it real easy.

  8. The shallow end of the gene pool is a very dangerous place.
