Thank You, Candace. We’ve Been Needing a List

August 05, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want you to meet Candace Keller, an Ohio State Representative. She slept on the grotesque events of the weekend and came up with the reasons why this crap is happening.



Speaking for drag queen advocates everywhere: Girl, you’ve got jealousy all over you.


Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Thank You, Candace. We’ve Been Needing a List”

  1. Did she come by that level of stupid naturally or did she have to take lessons?

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Deflection Queen Cotton Candy needs an education. Republicons allowed the ban on assault rifles to expire. Cons in Congress have continually failed to pass even minimum safety standards such as reasonable background checks. Republicon state legislatures pass asinine laws allowing open and closed carry without a thought as to who is carrying. Same ***king moron cowards who demand a perimeter around their space to protect themselves from the threat of tampons.

    Candy, as a father I feel no threat to my wife or sons from the people listed in your strawman arguments. The biggest threat to them are you and your fellow Republicon politicians who take big money to make our public places less safe than any combat zone.

  3. Marcia in CO says:

    Amen, PKM!

  4. Bingo!, she nailed the Conservative extremist mindset down to a “T”. It is extremely important to understand this bigoted fear and hate of ‘the Others’. We are dealing with an extremist cult.
    Prof. Lakoff nailed it many years ago.

    “What Conservatives Really Want”

    “Conservatives really want to change the basis of American life, to make America run according to the conservative moral worldview in all areas of life. Above all, the authority of conservatism itself must be maintained. The country should be ruled by conservative values, and progressive values are seen as evil.
    Freedom is defined as being your own strict father — with individual not social responsibility, and without any government authority telling you what you can and cannot do. To defend that freedom as an individual, YOU WILL OF COURSE NEED A GUN.”

  5. Sam in Superior says:

    I was unaware that RuPaul was such a danger to our country.

    The gaudy cross earrings this piece of white trash is wearing tells it all.

  6. Ranger Jay says:

    What a bucket list of right-wing paranoia. Let me guess, she identifies strongly with “deplorables,” and wears the description like a badge of honor?

    And something like 40% of the country at least partially agree with her…that’s the scary part.

    That, and the belief that Trump is on a mission from God!

  7. Which Cabinet post is she maneuvering for?

  8. If their god is as vengeful as they think, they ought to be a bit more concerned about the eternal fate of their own shriveled souls.

  9. 1smartcanerican says:

    She must be one unhappy woman. I can’t imagine living life hating so many groups of people. Love and acceptance of others is paramount to a blessed life.

  10. Joseph P. says:

    It needs to be emphasized over and over that PRAYER IS LEGAL IN SCHOOL!

    This is America, and if a kid wants to say a prayer before a test, that’s his right. As a Liberal, I would fight against anyone that tries to take away this basic right of all Americans.

    The thing that nutballs like this woman are actually talking about is TEACHER LED MANDATORY PRAYER. They want the teacher to be able to say, “All right students, bow your heads as we recite this prayer. Mohammed, Elyakim, and Krishna may now leave the room as their parents have requested…”

  11. slipstream says:

    A right wing white supremacist nutjob takes photos of his guns spelling out “TRUMP” and then murders 22 people.

    Obviously the left’s fault.

  12. sleeve98 says:

    I try not to use the word ‘stupid,’ but Keller’s totally wrong about the “duly-elected” part. That factual bit impugns Drumpf’s legitimacy, destroys it really, so having nowhere else to turn they just lie to themselves and each other.


  13. Are *each* and *every* one of her points wrong or misguided?

    Jes’ askin’!

  14. Who wrote her script? Cannot fathom that anyone would be that numb and dumb to have the energy or persistence to come up with that blather all by her little self. And no, Candice, it does not make you any better than anyone else. So sleep on that.

  15. charles phillips says:

    Perfect idea; subsidize Medicare For All by requiring every gun have an insurance policy. Not every owner, every gun.

    If we made it $5 a month per gun, then people like me with one old pump .22 would be doing our part, while those with 100 or more guns would be forced to consider how much they love those same guns. More than their kids? More than their boat?

    With as many guns as people in the country, that would amount to a bazillion-million Ameros per month. Gotta love modern math!

  16. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I hate republicans more than I hate guns. My guns are unloaded and locked in the closet. I wish I could do the same to republicans!

  17. Wyatt_Earl says:

    What’s Thelma think of her hair?

  18. Sandridge says:

    charles phillips,
    There are about 400 million civilian firearms in the US, for about 330 million people.
    [I own 8 or 10 myself, trained and using them since ~8y/o, have ‘carried’ one for various purposes since ~16y/o, still do often carry and use one [or two]].

    Not agreeing with the tax/insurance idea, but at $5/mo/weapon x 400M, that would be $2 Billion clams per month in revenue, $24B per year.
    Sounds like a lot, but that is just a very small fraction of current Medicare revenue and expenses.

  19. Sandridge says:

    Ralph Wiggam,
    About half of my weapons are loaded and handy. I know that just noticing the bulge under my shirt while outside has deterred certain skeevy ‘visitors’ out here in the boonies more than once [rural/exurb life IS different than in cities]. Yes, we have lots of snakes around, not all of them reptiles. Organized burglar groups have been active around here longer than I’ve lived here [house was broken into twice before I bought it].

    This time of year, 100degF+ every day, it’s a job keeping the rust in check and the finish on the metal, even the holster gets soggy with sweat.

  20. I actually live in Oh53. Last fall Keller won reelection against a very smart, capable, energetic woman. Our Gerrymandered districts are so safe for Rs that they always get 65%. But the sad fact is that most of the people around here are as stupid, sexist, narrow minded and “christian” as this dumb bitch.

  21. Jabba the Huttess.

    [I’ll show myself out.]

  22. She’s half right. Can you slip by your hate for long enough to sort it out?

  23. charles phillips says:

    Scott says: (20) I see the demographics are over 95% white, AND rural, AND wear their religious intolerance like a badge of honor.

    I’m staying in Canton, sh!thole it may be, because it has far more diversity.

  24. AliceBeth says:

    Every drag queen I have ever seen in photos has better make up than this chick. I think she is jealous.

  25. charles phillips says:

    Sandridge@18, the idea is not so much subsidize Medicare For All, but to make gun owners responsible for their own hobby. They may have theft insurance, but do they have liability insurance?
