Texas, Y’all UPDATED

October 27, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I just heard that NBC News moved Texas from “leans red” to “toss up.”



And Michael Bloomberg is making good on his promise.

Beto O’Rourke’s Texas Organizing Project was been amazing.  They swoop in like locusts and squeeze every Democratic vote out of every neighborhood.  I hope some of the Bloomberg Money goes to them.

My numbers on early voting shows us winning my county by five points.  That’s enormous.

And … news.

Sid Miller, our Jesus-Lovin’ Ag Commissioner and Premier Trumpian, sent this notice to his supporters.



Bloodbath, I tell you, Blood Freaking Bath.


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0 Comments to “Texas, Y’all UPDATED”

  1. I can’t wait for Republicans to claim they’re defending the Alamo.

  2. Oh, I do hope so!

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Good job, Texas! Let the electoral bloodbath give the fu king moron a proverbial bloody nose. He didn’t like losing the popular vote by 3 million. A loss of 30 million in the popular vote accompanied by a huge EC loss might penetrate his thick skull.

  4. G Foresight says:

    In gop thinking “bloodbath” means facing the electoral evidence that the majority of the US population rejects having Republicans in power.

  5. Harry Eagar says:

    I am getting similar emails from Democrats. Those were the ones I complained about the other day.

    All those people — this is a bipartisan complint — need to learn from the master, Oral Roberts, and threaten that Jeebus is going to take their candidate to heaben if we don’t donate by midnight.

    Make those threats sting!

  6. The Surly Professor says:

    Oh no! Does that mean Sid Miller will have to pay for his own Jesus shots? And as horrible as it sounds, pay his own travel to Oklahoma to get them?


  7. Sam in Superior says:

    The Biden Campaign is doing a 3-day bus tour of Texas this week. They smell blood.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    I want to believe that his majesty and Cornyn will be gone. I don’t want to be let down!

  9. Sandridge says:

    Sam in Superior @8, Blood in the water. A new scientific discovery has been announced.
    Two new species in the genus Carcharodon, the apex predator of the world’s oceans, have been discovered. Formerly only one species was known, the Great White Shark.
    The two new species have been found to feast upon only one form of prey, the Rattus Republicus, found bailing out of sinking ships.

    The new species have been named Carcharodon Bideni and Carcharodon Harrisi in honor of their land-based analogs. They are fixing to finally rid us of this plague of rats. Seeing the head rats, Donnei and Mikei, shredded into greasy chum will be most gratifying.


    [you haven’t lived until you’ve caught [and safely released] one of these beauties…their dentition is freakin awesome ^^^^^^]

  10. Nick Carroway says:

    An interesting read by Bill Kristol over at Bulwark. He ran through the various elections of the past and compared 1992, 1980, and 1932. On one extreme you had a close Clinton victory and on the other an FDR blowout. Reagan stood in the middle. What was interesting was how each result impacted the aftermath. Who knows what will happen on Tuesday.

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’m very superstitious and while I’m optimistic about the polls, as I was in 2016 (until 1 year ago this week), I just hesitate to get too confident. But I have to admit, it’s starting to look very gloomy for DUHtrumpf and the mrs, and the senate repugnanticans. So glad Joe is going to Texas to campaign.
    What’s interesting this week instead of a comey October surprise, it’s Trumpf surrogates doing the opposite, like meadows and Kushner. Idiots will be idiots.

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    4 years ago this week, not 1. You know what I meant (Comey).

  13. Steve from Beaverton,
    Republicans had set up the Hunter Biden story (fabrication) as their October surprise. They needed one big media outlet to play along, and they expected it would be the Wall Street Journal. The WSJ couldn’t confirm any details that would tie the room together, so passed. That left Republicans with nothing but their echo chamber for the story, with only the already true believers listening.


  14. It looks like another October Surprise, the secret advance COVID vaccine for Santa, Mrs Claus, & Elves plan is gonna get scrapped:


  15. Just watched The Soul of America on HBO.
    It’s a John Meacham piece that should be required watching.

  16. notjonathon says:

    Is anyone working the Rio Grande Valley and El Paso? Someone needs to energize the Hispanic voters there.

  17. panthercityhorn says:

    Informed but anonymous sources report that the pucker factor among Texas rethuglicans is now 12+, and they are not talking about kissing. Or as my dearly departed father used to say, you couldn’t drive a ten penny nail up their butt with a jackhammer. Perhaps the best thing to come out of the last four years of Cheeto Jesus’ reign is that it has kindled a fire in the democrat and undecided voters to insure that the next four years are not a continuation of the dismantling of the Constitution.

  18. Brad in Dallas says:

    Fivethirtyeight.com still has Texas as Trump slightly favored, and estimates him winning Texas by about 2%. Now, polling at this point is almost all “likely voter” models, and many likely voter formulas reject first time voters and infrequent voters. So those Texans might still be pushing the vote in a different direction. Regardless, if Joe and Kamala are making Trump defend Texas, they’re keeping him too distracted to compete in toss-up states like Georgia and Ohio.

  19. IQ 45 has actually done something beneficial? WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED IT COULD HAPPPEN!

  20. Captain Dan says:

    Is this UPGRADE to a Blue state the first positive deed that the Trumpster has ever done?

    Let us all hope that this is only the first of many positive deeds that the Trumpster accomplishes!

  21. captain dan says:

    We are having a “blood bath”, a Republican “blood bath”, “blood bath”! Yeah KEEP IT GOING!

  22. That blood bath ol’ Sid is worried about is the red wave the president* has been promising.
