Texas Science
As you’ve heard, Texas is leading the fight against the United States of America to insure that Texas gets to look and determine your gender before you can use a public restroom.
Their reasoning on this is bases on pure Mr. Wizard and Bill Nye the Science Guy schoolbook learning.
For example, while appearing on MSNBC, our Lt. Governor Dan Patrick hemmed and hawed through three direct questions from Chris Hayes about defining transgender. Finally, three was the charm and Dan had to admit, “I can’t give you the definition for every transgender person.”
Yah, ya can.
He also tried to argue, “The President has no business in the school house.” Really, Dan? Then you must have a giant bone to pick with President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Your Republican president sent the National Guard to stand down Arkansas Governor Orval Eugene Faubus on the school house steps in Little Rock, Arkansas.
And now, holy damn cow, we have indicted felon Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton saying that transgender people switch back and forth on a daily basis.
“This guideline doesn’t address any particular problem. They have not been very specific about what they’re trying to solve. This opens the door with all kinds of issues with men deciding one day they want to be women and then switching back the next day,” Paxton said during an interview on “Fox & Friends.
Paxton is literally spending 24 hours a day and God only knows how much taxpayer money on this one thing while Texas’ foster care system is a bloody mess and children are dying.
He’s going to hell, y’all. I mean, after he goes to jail.
Thanks to Pam for the heads up.