Texas Science

May 27, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As you’ve heard, Texas is leading the fight against the United States of America to insure that Texas gets to look and determine your gender before you can use a public restroom.

Their reasoning on this is bases on pure Mr. Wizard and Bill Nye the Science Guy schoolbook learning.

For example, while appearing on MSNBC, our Lt. Governor Dan Patrick hemmed and hawed through three direct questions from Chris Hayes about defining transgender.  Finally, three was the charm and Dan had to admit, “I can’t give you the definition for every transgender person.”

Yah, ya can.

He also tried to argue, “The President has no business in the school house.”  Really, Dan?  Then you must have a giant bone to pick with President Dwight D. Eisenhower.  Your Republican president sent the National Guard to stand down Arkansas Governor Orval Eugene Faubus on the school house steps in Little Rock, Arkansas.

And now, holy damn cow, we have indicted felon Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton saying that transgender people switch back and forth on a daily basis.

And he’s serious.

“This guideline doesn’t address any particular problem. They have not been very specific about what they’re trying to solve. This opens the door with all kinds of issues with men deciding one day they want to be women and then switching back the next day,” Paxton said during an interview on “Fox & Friends.

Paxton is literally spending 24 hours a day and God only knows how much taxpayer money on this one thing while Texas’ foster care system is a bloody mess and children are dying.

He’s going to hell, y’all.  I mean, after he goes to jail.

Thanks to Pam for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Texas Science”

  1. Old Fart says:


    Why did these people get elected, again?

    (I have a terrible, terrible fear, given the former US Speaker of the House, that this thing could go even worse than the things they usually do. Damn these people.)

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    More snacilbupeR projection. Guys like Paxton and Gohmert are so confounded, conflicted and confused by their own sexuality that they assume that is the nature of things.

  3. I think more young men have been molested by Denny Hastart and Mike Foley then have been molested by transgendered people in the US combined.
    And I am sure those 2 men went into the “correct” bathroom for their gender !

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Diane, obviously I’m no expert on the subject, but can anyone cite one incident in which a transgendered person has been either accused or convicted of a sex abuse crime? Whereas the number of times transgendered people have been abused is sickening. In the military we had a name for the abusers – tranny chasers. Seriously, all those farm boys from the midwest couldn’t have been that dumb. And, even if they were that dumb, they could have walked away. Their “I was deceived” bs was never an excuse for brutal assault. If anyone is in need of protection from the snacilbupeR, it’s the LGBTQA community.

  5. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    The simple solution to the rest room issue is to take “Men” and “Ladies” off the doors and simply put up “Rest Room”. Sort of like what you have at home — one room for everybody in the house. There are stalls in the rooms that offer some modicum of privacy and as long as everybody minds their own business, we can all get along. Or is that “mind your own business” part too much to ask from your run-of-the-mill Republican?

  6. Zyxomma says:

    Is it rude for me to hope he goes directly from prison to hell?

  7. This is simply how you get good “church folk” to ignore that you have been raping them with your economic and other policies. My thought is not to debate them on this but to politely point out this wasn’t an issue for the last 40 years so let’s not make it one now.

  8. PKM, you get it. You totally get it.

  9. Of course under Patrick/Paxton’s desired rules, it is still perfectly okay for grown-up male pedophiles to share a restroom with little boys. I mean, they’re all the same, clearly defined, gender, so what could go wrong?

    Maybe the problem has nothing to do with gender identity and everything to do with criminal behavior, which should be wrong regardless.

  10. Um, science? Really? I bet they can’t even spell the word, not even phonetically – SI-YUNZ.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maggie, a little pity for their confusion. When we say “science,” they’re thinking Sci-Fi. And, not the good stuff like social science fiction and the best episodes ever, with Whoopi Goldberg. I like the good stuff, like Heinlein and others who imagine what we could be, if we gave it some effort. The taser, laser, nuclear stuff; not so much. There’s too much of that here on Earth and right now.

    Henry, thank you. Unlike the snacilbupeR, I think that while being crazy old white slave owners, the framers of the Constitution pretty much “got it right” about protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority. Took until 1868 to fix some stuff with the 14th Amendment, but that was probably the best repair to the Constitution ever.

  12. Elizabeth Moon says:

    One of the churches I attend (the one where I’m in the choir) has both “group” restrooms with gendered signs, and singleton restrooms with no sign. The gendered restrooms have stalls (at least, I guess the men’s has at least a few stalls and not just urinals), the singletons have a toilet, washbasin, changing table. It works.

    The problem with the “group” style is that there are people (not trans persons) who insist on peeking through the cracks in the doors, or shoving cameras under the doors or over the tops of the stalls–most of this happens in other public restroooms, but may happen in any. Used to be 96% of the “peepers” were adult non-trans males while 4% at most were small children whose mothers were in the stall with another child and thus couldn’t restrain the peeping child. 100% of those boring holes in the wall, or putting cameras on sticks so they could get pix of someone in a stall were adult men. Now, with all this hoorah, some women have decided to copy their peeper men.

    Modifying stalls to make them truly private is expensive (I’ve seen that kind of restroom in some upscale places–doors do w/in half inch of the floor, much higher up, don’t have handy peeping cracks–that still doesn’t solve the person who bored a hole in the wall.) Putting in enough singletons to serve the number of people who need to pee NOW is also expensive.

    Firing a whole bunch of loudmouth politiicians and dirty-minded security/law enforcement would be a lot cheaper.

  13. e platypus onion says:

    Yer Wonkette has a grand story about how a Dem Congresswoman from California finally grew a backbone and blasted a homophobic bigot from US Civil Rights. Beautiful in the extreme. iowa wingnut “Cantaloupe Calves” King rushed to the bigots rescue, but was too late.

    Here is a safe for work link.


  14. e platypus onion says:

    Should have said US Commission on Human Rights.

  15. Good for Rep. Zoe Lofgren. That idiotic bigot needed to be called out as an idiotic bigot. I give Rep. Lofgren points for leaving out the “idiotic” part. Thanks for the link epo.

  16. Never underestimate the power, breath, or depth of human stupidity….it will exceed your lowest estimate.

  17. Tilphousia says:

    Hey y’all. How about hell and jail at the same time. And oh yes maybe some education as obviously the Texas government stopped at pre-K

  18. Linda Lester says:

    This bathroom buzz is a well thought out scam on behalf of the Repugnant party to once again bait and switch the ignorants it represents. A new found non problem now requiring a lot of attention to divert the public away from the real problems confronting the country. I was told by one that they would be fearful of allowing a child into a bathroom with a transgender and that it was a moral issue. It is evident that these people have no interest in the facts about Transgenders and obviously not understanding the concept. Moral issue? I asked her–what about the Colonias in Texas–400,000 people living in substandard conditions–85% of them children under 18 and with no drinking water, no sewage systems, no help at all from these so called bearers of moral indignation over who goes into what bathroom? Who worries about them not even having a bathroom to go to? No bathrooms to mark off male or female –I continue to be amazed as these people who proclaim such moral indignation continue to ignore serious problems like this–Furthermore, the so called child molestors they equate Transgenders to, really are more frequently discovered when teachers, pastors and even politicians (Larry Craig, Dennis Hastert-both Republicans) prey on the trust of these innocent children–What hypocrites–I can not believe the stupidity of these people.

  19. @W. C. (Pete) Peterson: I think we should label the restrooms “Republican Idiots” and “Everyone else”.

  20. maryelle says:

    glf, I second your motion, using the symbol of an elephant with a dunce cap on one door and a copy of the US Constitution on the other.

  21. TrulyTexan says:

    “Then you must have a giant bone to pick with President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Your Republican president sent the National Guard to stand down Arkansas Governor Orval Eugene Faubus on the school house steps in Little Rock, Arkansas.”

    I guarandamntee you he has an issue with this as he and his s**tpile buddies see this as the beginning of the end for their version of a “great” America.

  22. Everything Linda Lester said. They just grabbed a non-issue involving sex and are beating everybody over the heads with it, regardless of knowledge or simple decency, in order to fire up their uninformed voters. Last time it was same-sex marriage, and before that it was “selling baby parts.” Sad thing is it always seems to work.

  23. W. C. (Pete) Peterson: I think we should label the restrooms “Republican Idiots” and “Everyone else”

    I support this too, and maryelle’s suggested symbol. I know I’d feel much safer.

  24. e platypus onion says:

    Sorry ladies, that idea won’t work. Wingnuts will be tearing down the door with the constitution on it to wipe their backsides-that is what they do with their copies.

  25. maryelle says:


  26. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The snacilbupeR and their potty fixation – the easy fix would be for them and their pervangelist friends to stay home. We’d all be safer.

  27. e platypus onion says:

    This is why we can’t have nice things-

    Despite the fact that Oklahoma faces a $1.3 billion deficit, GOP state Rep. David Brumbaugh excused passing the bill by claiming that God will fix the state’s crumbling economy and pay all the legal expenses resulting from forthcoming lawsuits if they do the “moral” thing and ban abortion.

    “Everybody talks about this $1.3 billion deficit,” Brumbaugh said on Thursday. “If we take care of the morality, God will take care of the economy.

  28. e platypus onion says:

    OT- it is raining again in nw iowa and farmers can’t get a break. They are behind planting corn and soybeans so if any of you hold corn or beans, the price should be heading upward. Speculators stand to make a killing.

  29. Old Fart says:

    Speaking of Sci-Fi:

    Deadbeat Drumpf has declared the drought in California shall be over! Why worry about little things like facts when declarations will do!

    So we need to come up with a super glue moniker for the grand deadbeat. Something to remind the hoi poloy that Drumpf likes to stick his debts onto other people (like the taxpayers) as a standard part of his business practice. If you can, watch Scott Adams talk about Drumpf’s terrifyingly effective practices in manipulation on Bill Mahar. Maybe Default Donnie?

  30. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Old Fart, for Donnie Drumpf, I’d recommend the oldie but goodie, “the Emperor has no clothes.”

    If we want the snacilbupeR and the pervangelists among them to think, we could shorten that to “naked Donnie.” His short little vulgarian fingers are probably more than anyone cares to see.

  31. epo–

    “Everybody talks about this $1.3 billion deficit,” Brumbaugh said on Thursday. “If we take care of the morality, God will take care of the economy.”

    As Molly Ivins said, “Sometimes it’s just rip and read,” because I can’t think of anything else to say after that.

  32. e platypus onion says:

    Would that Ms Ivins was here now, Rhea. When she left the building a thousand or more little gawdalmighty roaches took over.

  33. e platypus onion says:

    In Texas, god is telling all the little godalmighties they are all wet. OK and Kansas need to be baptised as well.

  34. Gary Hlree says:

    In what statute, state law does the light gov. get the power to order schools to disregard a federal directive.
    The only power greanted to the lite gov in the Constitution
    presiding over the Senate.
