Takes One To Know One

February 11, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember that I told you about Mark Hiles, the guy who plead guilty to whacking his wife, giving $700,000 to Dan Patrick and Greg Abbott and that in return, they put him on important advisory committees and practically crowned him King of the Inauguration Ball?

While I was typing that story, I kept typing Gov. Rick Perry instead of Gov. Greg Abbott.  I laughed to myself that old habits die hard.  Hell, I’m still putting 2014 on checks.

Come to find out, I wasn’t forgetful.  I was being a damn psychic.

Mark Hiles gave Rick Perry $200,000, but he’s not giving it back.

Abbott and Patrick are donating the money he gave them to a women’s shelter.

Not Rick.  No, siree.

I guess it takes one crook to love another crook.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Takes One To Know One”

  1. daChipster says:

    Here are the Top 10 reasons Rick won’t give back the money.

    10. I would, but I already spent it on eye wear.
    9. What happens in Vegas…
    8. She was only a rental wife.
    7. If the stripper kicks in 200k, I’ll think about it
    6. You have NO IDEA how expensive felony lawyers are
    5. I haven’t got anything smaller than a million, can you make change?
    4. Oops.
    3. I’m not Governor anymore; get it from Abbott.
    2. My PAC just sent 10,000 copies of my books to women’s shelters. That’s a $200k value!
    1. I already gave it to my favorite charity case: me!

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    daChipster, 10 good reasons to expect pRick to cling to the money. But let’s not forget reason #11 foremost in his mind: he “earned” that money on bent knees. It’s his and like any self-respecting for profit purveyor of the ‘pleasures,’ he expects to be paid.

  3. Actually, no surprise here. You can’t squeeze blood from a turnip and you can’t squeeze integrity from pRick.

  4. Corinne Sabo says:

    Being Icky Ricky means never having to say oops!

  5. That jack is important. Based on his current fundraising he might be able to last until next Thursday if he stays at the Red Roof Inn in Des Moines.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “Being Icky Ricky means never having anything to say, but oops!”

    FIFY Corinne Sabo.

  7. The Accused is desperate, not only must he fund a presidential campaign, but a criminal defense as well. Just try prying that 200 grand out of his fist.

  8. I love this blog, am a regular reader, and think you are awesome, and would not criticize your effort here for anything, but…

    Can I ask that you stop using the phrase “wife whacking”? I know you mean to be funny, but it’s not. There’s nothing funny about domestic abuse. Nothing.

  9. Nothing we didn’t expect.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Bent knees goes along with having a round mouth,but not from eating square meals. As far as women’s shelters go,didn’t he do his sister enough favors by shutting down most abortion providers in Texas,except for hers?

  11. Juanita Jean says:

    Nancy – I don’t think domestic violence is funny. At all. I was using that term to belittle the men who do it. I promise you that I will think about it.

  12. I read the story that the “whackee” was a young woman he had purchased for the night, not his wife.

  13. Thank you for reading my comment and responding.
