Now, THIS is a Great Start to the New Week…

January 10, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Remember Trump whining a few weeks ago about Melania not getting any magazine covers during his infestation of the WH?  Well THIS is going to REALLY piss him off.  I give you the February 2021 cover of Vogue:


Hypocrisy Report

June 15, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Goat Rodeos, Trump

You recall how the fashion police went after Michelle Obama every time she stepped out of the WH residence.  They hated her dresses, hated her in short sleeves, hated her in sleeveless gowns.  They hated her hair, so on and so forth.  The noise machine was continuous and loud.  So, I find it pretty ironic that zero has been said about how Melania Trump was dressed last night for the hospital visit with His Orangeness:

Here’s the close up:

Under normal circumstances, I would say that’s a beautiful dress on a beautiful woman.  But I can’t be that charitable.  After listening to 8 years of horrible insults and howling about Michelle’s appearance, I find it ironic that all we’ve heard is crickets over Melania’s attire.  Can you imagine the din if this was Michelle and she was showing this much thigh?  Especially on an official presidential visit?

Just sayin’