Bending Reality to the Extreme

September 15, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Anti-Vaxxers, Coronavirus, Qanon, Steeple People, Trump

We’ve talked at length about QAnon adherents bending reality, believing wild conspiracy theories, being anti-vaxxers, anti-mask, anti-science, and anti-common sense.  Most amazing about this phenomenon, though, is there absolute devotion to their delusion to the point of dying for it.  To wit, I give you Veronica Wolski, a high profile QAnon advocate from Chicago, who publicly protested against masks, vaccines, and against all things not Trump and who died of COVID this week.  Her dying is not the story, though; the story was that Lin Wood (yes, THAT Lin Wood) whipped up a QAnon protest last week in an attempt to force the hospital she was in to administer Ivermectin, the horse de-wormer, as treatment for COVID.  He has now declared that the hospital, Amita Health Resurrection Medical Center, caused her death through…wait for it…malpractice. He’s also made the same claim against the hospitals where Herman Cain died and another right wing activist and GOP party operative Presley Stutts.  Of course, Cain and Stutts died after being infected while not practicing normal masking and distancing protocols.  In fact, it’s likely that Cain was infected at the Trump campaign rally in Tulsa.

In an unrelated story, the fifth hate radio talker died this week.  He was Bob Enyart, an anti-science talking head and bible thumping preacher.  He was a charming fellow who made his career by bashing AIDS patients, calling for the death penalty for women who received abortions, and spreading the lie that the vaccines were made from aborted fetal tissue.  The irony is so thick you can cut it with a knife.

The stupidity of these people wouldn’t be so bad if they were only killing themselves, but they’re risking the lives of many other people AND stressing the medical staffs who are having to risk their own lives to treat these self destructive idiots.

Jesus.  Literally.

Actual Tweets from Trump’s Attorney…

January 01, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Congress, Corruption, Treason (Yes, We're Going There), Trump

Here is what Lin Wood, the lawyer who’s advocating for Trump to overturn the election and steal the presidency for himself, was tweeting today:

That’s right folks, Wood is spinning a wild tale for how Trump is supposedly going to steal the election.  This wild tale contains several blatant falsehoods including:

  • The Vice President, who also serves as President of the Senate, controls the Electoral College procedures in the House and Senate.  This is blatantly false.  The Vice President’s role is largely ceremonial.  McConnell controls the Senate, Pelosi the House.  In order to challenge the Electoral College votes in the states, one Senator and one Representative are required to both object.  That objection then causes a debate and vote separately in the House and Senate.  Both houses must agree by simple majority or the objection fails and the original electoral votes stand.  The Vice President has NO ROLE in the House vote, and an objection will fail.  Period.
  • Wood is fantasizing that somehow, Pence is going to be jailed for somehow for treason, therefore forfeiting his Vice Presidency.  Then Pompeo would somehow ascend to that office and take control of the Electoral College process, which, as explained above, is not possible.
  • Wood then says that Pence will be shot, and Meadows, and McConnell will then be arrested for treason.
  • Lastly, the military will then side with Trump, take control of the Congress and the courts, awarding him the presidency.

In ordinary times, these would be the ravings of an unhinged madman, but in these times, there are millions of Americans who are actually following along on this lunacy and backing the notion that Trump can singlehandedly overthrow the US government and install himself as President dictator.

Fortunately for our democracy, this will never come to pass, but it’s terrifying we even have to consider its possibility.