I’m done

October 06, 2023 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

So, Lara Trump has made herself a song. She didn’t play any instruments. She didn’t write any of the chords or come up with any of the lyrics. She had a fancy studio auto tune her, so that it sounded halfway decent. It was a step above those places in the mall that would record you singing a song for $59.95. It was essentially karaoke. It was average karaoke.

Listening to her complain about the “obvious conspiracy” that was keeping her song from getting radio play was the last straw. I’m a pretty easy going and tolerant fellow. I’ll endure your crap a lot longer than most people. I’m done. It is the total lack of self-awareness that gets me. If her name were Jane Doe it never would have gotten by that mall shop style recording. She might get 13 downloads in that scenario.

I’m not even sure what to call her complaint on the conservative talk show circuit. It is equal parts irony, hyperbole, and certainly there is some oxymoron in there somewhere. How can someone completely misunderstand that she only got it recorded in the first place because of who she is and then turn around and complain about it not getting radio play because of who she is?

Call it hypocrisy but that doesn’t even begin to describe it. It’s like Donald Trump Jr. complaining about Hunter Biden and his drug problem while he is obviously hopped up on cocaine. Okay, we didn’t see any white residue on his lip, so we can’t say it was definitely cocaine. However, the blood shot eyes, manic speech patterns, and cloudy thought patterns make that one all too obvious.

Listening to all the Trump children and hangers on is an exercise in chutzpah. They are people that have never put in an honest day’s work in their life and are somehow victims of something. It is the lack of self-awareness that is breathtaking. We knew this of daddy, but listening to the entire clan is just so very exhausting.

I propose Elba. For those that don’t remember, Elba was the island the French exiled Napoleon to. This time you set up some kind of an invisible wall where no electronic messaging can penetrate. There will be no landlines. No cell service or any ability to post to social media. All of these idiots will be cut off from the outside world. They are banished for an eternity.

I’ll exclude Tiffany and Baron from this treatment. They have so far had the good sense to keep quiet and Baron is still a minor child. However, I am putting them on notice. You suffer the same fate as the rest of them if you too become tiresome. Airlift supplies to them. Send in a maintenance guy and cook and promise them Trump’s booty once they all perish. I know it sounds too humane for Trump, but I just don’t want to deal with it anymore. Let’s make this happen.