Drama at the Courthouse

September 08, 2021 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I stumbled on this one on the news today. For those that don’t want to go beyond the paywall can see the same story here and in other locations I’m sure. It was featured on the news here locally and thankfully for you and I, some intrepid journalists snuck into the legal proceedings and made a recording. Following is the transcript from the original court battle.

Plaintiff: Your honor, that them doctor over there is refusing to give my gramps the dewormer medication for his Covid.

Judge: Is this true (gestures to defendant)?

Defendant: Yes, your honor. That treatment has not been vetted by experts and we decided after consulting with our experts that another treatment…(interrupted by plaintiff).

Plaintiff: Your honor, my cousin Rufus works at the “Stop N Shop” over there in Cleveland. He sent me a video on the YouTubes how that “I” stuff cures the Covids. The video proves it and everything.

Judge: Do you have this video handy?

Plaintiff: Let me look on my Facebook……yup, I got it.

Defendant: You cannot be serious.

Judge: (after watching video) As serious as a heart attack. I’m convinced. Give him the dewormer.

Defendant: And you got your medical degree from (trails off)? 


We protect the identity of our sources, so they will remain anonymous for now. Of course, some might question the exact verbiage above and that’s fine, but the judge did order the hospital to give him the medication he requested. Of course, given that the state doesn’t want to allow women and doctors to make decisions for their own health, I guess the jurisprudence works out. Still, I think someone should check the judge for brain activity. Whoever that is, it better not be a doctor. Apparently they aren’t qualified to make medical decisions now.

Thousands of Hotels putting up Doctors & Nurses. Trump’s Hotels? What do You Think?

April 18, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus, Corruption, Trump

Thousands of hotels are offering lodging for weary medical personnel at deep discounts or even free.  They are doing their part in the pandemic, giving doctors and nurses a safe and clean space to rest and rejuvenate.  The White House has praised these hotels.  There’s only one notable absence though…Trump hotels.  Not ONE Trump owned or operated hotel is offering any rooms anywhere in the US.

Most of Trump’s hotels are closed or on minimal staff, and Trump is losing millions of dollars.  Could it be just a coincidence that he’s pushing to relax pandemic restrictions so he can reopen his hotels?  Of course it is.  Trump never does anything in his own interests, does he?