Swiftboat Veterans For … Uh, Crossroads

April 23, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You remember that guy Bob Perry – no relation to Rick Perry except for the sleaze – who financed the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth?

Bob Perry: Flushing Money

Now he and  his Swiftboat Veterans for Truth buddies – none of whom served on swiftboats – are financing a Karl Rove very creepy group called American Crossroads.

A trio of wealthy Texans have donated more than half of the money the pro-Republican super-PAC American Crossroads has received, according to a new study by the Center for Public Integrity.

Bob Perry, Harold Simmons and Robert Rowling have combined to donated $30.5 million to the group, more than half of the $56 million the total the group has raised since its creation.

Okay, according to my jeweled pocket calculator, that’s 10 million dollars each.  Now I realize that $10 million doesn’t go as far as it used to but using that same calculators, that’s 300 Texas teachers.  You know, the state where we’re laying off teachers because we can’t afford them.

Now you would think that a fine Christian man like Bob Perry would rather leave a legacy of well educated Texas children than adding $10 million worth of cheeseburgers to Karl Rove’s rear end.  Maybe he likes Karl’s rolly rear, I dunno.  Not for me to say.  I’m just saying that a man’s gotta have his priorities and Bob Perry has chosen his.  He and Karl want to elect people who will cut even more from Texas education.

So, when you see a despicable ad from American Crossroads, think Karl Rove’s rear end instead of Texas schoolchildren.

Thanks to Bob for the heads-up.

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