And Yes, Excluding People Is The Christian Thing To Do

April 23, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The students at Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University are pitching a walleyed snot nosed hissy fit.

It seems that the university invited Mitt Romney to give their commencement address at the invitation of Jerry Falwell, Jr.  Joy did not reign.

By Friday morning, more than 700 comments had been posted on the school’s Facebook page about the Thursday announcement – a majority of them decidedly against the Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr.’s invitation, citing that the school had taught them Mormonism isn’t part of the Christian faith.

“I can’t support Romney and I am happy I decided not to walk (in the commencement) this year,” wrote student Josh Bergmann. “Liberty University should have gotten a Christian to speak not someone who practices a cult. Shame on you Liberty University.”

Now, if we can just convince them that Super DeLux Brand Christians should not vote on election day.

I’m wondering if we should start a rumor that Mormon and Muslim sound suspiciously alike, making this year’s presidential election a wash for Liberty University.

Thanks to Deb for the heads-up.

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