Texas Republican Congressvarmint Chip Roy is the former Chief of Staff to Ted Cruz. He’s also a rabid climate change denier. And a sumbitch. He’s a sumbitch.
He rejected a $4.4 billion disaster relief bill because it did not have any money in it for Trump’s border wall. Which, while I agree is a damn disaster, does not need any money. His single vote defeated the bill because it had already been hammered out and was on the consent agenda. He was just being a giant sumbitch.
It’s not like a Texas congressman is refusing to help the military and people in foreign states. Oh hell, no. Chip Roy vote also prohibited releasing funds to Texas for hurricane Harvey.
They’ll vote again on it next week when Chip Roy’s vote is just one vote instead of a headline grabbing total wipeout of a bill that everyone agreed on. But that’s another couple of weeks where people will suffer so Trumpians can shake their glitter bootie over the damn wall.
Thanks to everyone for the heads up.