Good News in Texas

May 28, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I told you about about the enormous screw-up over so-called and nonexistent voter fraud found by the Texas Secretary of State, David Whitley.  He claimed there were 95,000 non-citizens registered to vote in Texas.  And then Attorney General Ken Paxton hollered that he was going to prosecute every damn one of them who tried to vote. Come to find out, Whitley, who spared no expense, was already having local elections offices take these 95,000 people off their voter rolls when it was discovered that his numbers were wildly and insanely incorrect.

Once it was uncovered that most of these people had become citizens during the time period in question and that duplicate names were rampant, all of a sudden it was oopsy time and they just wanted us to forget what they’d done.

Whitley was appointed by Governor Greg Abbott.  He’d been Abbott’s Chief of Staff.  So after all this expensive screw-up, including lawyers to defend against all the groups filing suit, Abbott up and gave Whitley a 49% pay raise so that the new Secretary of State was making almost $200,000 a year.

The Texas Senate has just enough votes to keep the Whitley from getting approval.  They hung tough and did it.  Slimy little Whitley, the boy who cannot count, resigned minutes before the Texas Senate adjourned.

A personal thank you to Texas Senator Kirk Watson and all the Texas Senators for a job well done.


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0 Comments to “Good News in Texas”

  1. John Jackson says:

    Amazing act by a legislative body, and right here in Texas as well. There is hope.

  2. Fran seyer says:

    Wonderful !

  3. Cleaning up Texas, one dirt bag at a time.

  4. Brad in Dallas says:

    Abbott’s been hungry for higher office since he got to Austin. When (soon, please God!) Trump eventually fades from the scene or flees to Russia, Abbott wants to be on everybody’s mind as Trump 2.0–just as racist, misogynistic, oligarchic and belligerently anti-democracy, but now with 100% more wheelchair sob story.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Keep up the good work Texas. You too, Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen. Thinking your skills prevented Pajama Boy from grifting into a lucrative slot in the Texas Republicon rewards for disgraced politicians.

    PS Beto, please run for Senate! We forgive you for not toppling Teddie Crooze. You were so damn close and could oust Cornyn. Please.

  6. I was happy when I read Whitley had resigned, and I don’t even live in Texas! Abbott was going to make sure his protege got a plum job and a significant pay increase, then, everything fell apart when it was discovered Whitley didn’t know what he was doing. I love stuff like this because it exposes the cronyism and incompetence of many of our politicians, including the head dummy that now lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and occupies the most powerful political position in America.

  7. Like Trump, Abbot appears to love appointing worms and then rewarding them for their worminess. I’m glad they put Abbot’s worm in its place.
